Wow! Thanks for all that info, Cajunguy. A cousin who gave up the habit gave me a bunch of his pipes--they haven't been smoked in 25 years. I've cleaned them up, polished them, and now I'm trying them out. This was one of them, and I knew somebody had made it, but your ability to pull out the details and arrive at what seems to be a reasonable solution was outstanding. And back in those days, Comoy was making some very decent pipes, so I made out for the price. I've smoked one bowl of Sutliffe's Great Outdoors in it, and was remarkably pleased with the smoke, and that's what led me to the query.
Now here's the thing--one of the pipes in that batch was a Savinelli Punto Oro, and I had that one figured for a really fine smoke. this morning I tried it with a bowl of Dunhill EMP, and about half way through I thought I was going to hurl. I put it down for a bit, smoked the rest, (didn't enjoy it,) and then thoroughly cleaned it again. It's going to air out for a few days, and then I'll try it with something else. The point of course is that the smart money would have bet on the Punto Oro for a really great smoke over something bearing the label of Lou's Tobacco Bar. Go figure.