I know that Brian briefly discussed this topic on the first program but I would really like to see this topic revisited. I'm interested in exploring more about pipe clubs. What are some good ideas for getting one going, what works well for attracting others to meetings, how should meetings be structured. Maybe an interview with a president of one of the long standing clubs and what has been successful for their club. I'm personally trying to get a group going and to keep going. We have had two meetings so far and have had eight show up to the last meeting. I want to offer a meetings that will continue to attract more pipe smokers and promote a good environment for people that are interested in taking up pipe smoking. This forum already has a wealth of information that I've already drawn upon, I just believe this will be a great topic to cover to help each community support and protect pipe smoking.
Thanks Kevin and Brian for your continued promotion and support of the pipe smoker's community and for your consideration of this suggestion.
Thanks Kevin and Brian for your continued promotion and support of the pipe smoker's community and for your consideration of this suggestion.