ID on this Tyrolean Pipe

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Nov 22, 2024
I acquired this Tyrolean (Imgur Link) pipe from an antique shop a couple weeks back on a whim as I had only ever seen this design on old posters.
Tried to do my own research on this and I'm stumped.

(Tyrolean obviouisly, possibly Austrian, but the image on the bowl is just weird to me because they look Asiatic)

There are zero markings on this thing.
The bowl is porcelain, hand painted.
The entire stem I believe is bone or ebony wood(not entirely sure which), with horn accents(the floral/crown parts and the gear parts).
The bowl top I guess may be pewter or silver as well as the other silver metal, the chain is probably brass and the goldish inlay on the bowl top is probably also brass or maybe gold. I guess I'd have to test these though to be sure.

It is almost in perfect condition as you can get from what I can see, I mean it has been smoked and there is tar built up.
All of it unscrews nice and is tight and snug. The only thing is the silver ring where the chain attaches is no longer glued to the stem but that is to be expected I suppose from age.
Someone in the past who had this before me I guess had their son smoke weed out of it I'm assuming, there is caulk down inside on the bowl where it bends and the bowl is clean, so I have to figure out how to get that out.

So what do I have here? Age, possible maker, origin. Hell even a price point because I feel like I got this for a steal (275$).

Then I would love to also see if I could get tips on how to clean the horn(inside the stem) without screwing it up or just use pipe cleaners and call it a day. Is the porcelain even useable or is it too old to keep up with temperature changes? Should I just get a new bowl to replace it?

All in all I want to get it in smoking condition again because this is an awesome piece. Don't plan on selling it but I like knowing what value this could potentially be.

Thank you.
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
The most fragile part of this pipe that may be difficult to preserve is the hose at the top; the rubber could be very dried and/or cracked. These kinds of pipes are tough to date. The metal is often thin and cheap (almost like pressed sheet metal), unlike pipes with real silver that has hallmarks that can pinpoint a specific time. There may be a cork gasket where the porcelain plugs in. If it is still intact, it may need to be revitalized with cork grease (made for wind instruments—you can get it in ChapStick form). The cork gasket on my pipe was missing altogether. I tried using musician instrument grade cork to replace mine, but the thickness required was too great for the cork to bend sharply enough to line the curve without cracking. I ended up having to use a round cork plug and core out the hole for the porcelain.

If this pipe was smoked a lot, you will need plenty of Everclear and pipe cleaners. Be prepared to spend more time than expected getting the internals gunk free. People that smoked these pipes weren’t concerned about maintenance like some smokers of today.


Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
For cleaning the horn, I'd suggest lukewarm soapy water, and dry immediately but very gradually afterwards. You may then want to oil it. There's a thread here you may find useful:

As for date and provenance, the passion for dark hardwoods and lathe-turned over-ornamentation suggests German - Bayerische Jaegerpfeife, and mid- to late 19thC to me. Never seen one quite as ornate as that, though. It looks like the sort of thing one could see at the Great Exhibition of 1851. But that's just a guess.


Nov 22, 2024
Appreciate your response.

Yeah mine doesn't have any cork. The hose I didn't know if it was rubber or a continued piece of the mouth stem because it is hard, and it definitely is in 3 separate pieces that I can feel. Which i assumed was just how it was made because it didn't feel like it was old rubber.