Jason, you have a point but, there always is, we are purists in what we do. Tobacco, as we use it, is not near as 'bad' as cigarettes, we need not go into that one, or snuff, putting a powdered substance in your brain cavity, or chaw, swallowing, oh yes it gets there, nasty juices, or hookah, I don't know what the hell is in that stuff, and I could go on. Now maybe because I am in the blending business I feel a little aloof from the rest of the smoker/tobacco world but, I do not want to be recognized as anything to do with cigarettes, et al. I would support their rights, I would allow them to enjoy their products as much as I do mine, but, there it is again, the non-smoker Nazis only see the group without the distinction, as Kevin pointed out. And there we part ways.
The wine reference is a good one here also, is a wine cooler wine, is Sangria and so on that adds a bunch of stuff to wine to make it something else? I think not, and I think any wine drinker would agree with that.
I wish other tobacco users well in their fight but, I will still proclaim, I am not them.
Please note: this is not a flame, or a terse word, it is open discourse, and in no way political, and I open the floor to retort. We haven't had a good point, counter-point in a while.