There are two forces at work in this case. The Tinderbox has it's fees and price points as dictated by the larger company and the owner of the Tacoma location on one side (Jeff is his name btw and he is a nice guy) and the F'ing ludicrous tax system of WA state on the other. I choose to focus on the later in these discussions.
I've explained it 4 or 5 times now, but here is basically how WA does its voodoo: They have placed a 95% tax on MSRP for tobacco. That means that though we consumers can order online a Sutliff tin that has an MSRP of $10 for $6 because we all know that MSRP is bullshit, for WA purposes, the TAX on that can here in WA is going to be $9.50 no matter what Jeff charges. So then he is looking at keeping the lights on, paying his 2 employees on duty, and rent on the building. Voila Sutliff at TBox is $22.50 a can.
How does he stay in business? Easy. In order to do some protectionist bullshit, the state of WA in an effort to be "fair to local business" has declared it a felony to ship pipe/cigarette tobacco through the mail in WA. Keeps Tbox in business with a captive market and only f's over the consumer.
I have purchased many pipes from them. They have a good military discount. I buy what tobacco I can, when I can to support them. Their 12th man tobacco is a really good aro. It tastes like skittles and was based on the Marshawn Lynch skittles thing with the Seahawks.
Could Jeff Charge less? Maybe, but not enough to make them viable to many people outside the state of WA. Luckily I live near Oregon, which only has a 65% rate and if you know someone, can have shipments of online tobacco sent there...