I Think I've Been Ghosted...

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
If you just smoked a few bowls of Autumn Evening the ghost may not be a permanent haunting yet, taking up residence in your pipe. It may take a few cleanings and smoking something like 5 Bro in it but you may yet get it out.

I once bought an estate Dunhill that its previous owner smoked Lakelands in... a lot of Lakelands. That ghost ain't ever gonna leave so I've made my peace with the pipe, a group 2 Zulu root, and just dedicated it to Lakeland blends. We're both happier that way (the pipe is a champ with Ennerdale)
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Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
...by C&D Autumn Evening in my Rossi bent billiard. I smoked a couple Davidoff flake medallions out of it earlier and got a hint of maple throughout the bowl.

After every smoke I twist a paper towel into the bowl and run a pipe cleaner or two through the stem. I'm not really mad at it as I intended to use the Rossi for any aromatics that I smoked, it's just surprising that it happened so quickly.
At some point in your pipe journey, you start getting better at noticing what was last smoked in a pipe. When it's objectionable, people call it "ghosting", but we don't have a great term for when it's beneficial and reinforces the flavors and aromas we enjoy in particular blends... "seasoning", perhaps?

I'm not too worried about ghosting in the pipes I use for aromatic blends. I assume that whatever new I put in will clobber the previous residues in time. puffy
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
At some point in your pipe journey, you start getting better at noticing what was last smoked in a pipe. When it's objectionable, people call it "ghosting", but we don't have a great term for when it's beneficial and reinforces the flavors and aromas we enjoy in particular blends... "seasoning", perhaps?

I'm not too worried about ghosting in the pipes I use for aromatic blends. I assume that whatever new I put in will clobber the previous residues in time. puffy

This true, sometimes ghosts can be very beneficial and make for some nice surprises. I have a pipe that's been dedicated to and is thoroughly ghosted with Borkum Riff Bourbon and once found by accident that the Bourbon ghost synergizes perfectly with PS Luxury Twist flake making for an entirely new and delicious smoke. I have repeated this many times now and I guess you could say the pipe is now dedicated to both BR and Luxury Twist!
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