Missouri Meerschaum's are classics, and I hope always will be. I've just had my first experience smoking an Old Dominion, and
find it a separate but equally enjoyable experience. They are especially light, even for a cob pipe, and the bamboo stems give
an original and historical feel that is special. I don't think I have seen and handled a corn cob pipe with a natural stem since my
dad smoked them in the 1950's. I bought two at the pipe show, and have just smoked the smaller, a mini-pipe perfect for short
smokes and really strong blends, but you could easily get 20 minutes out of it with well-rubbed cube or sliced. I'm looking forward
to trying the somewhat larger Laughing Chief, which is still a modest size bowl, and I may get one of the larger bowled pipes in the
future. Missouri Meerschaum cobs, Old Dominion cobs, unfinished briar pipes, and clay pipes are four pipe smoking adventures
no pipe smoker should miss.