i don't think I will send it out as I paid a little over $20 total for this and a tiny little saddle bit billiard that's only markings say "imported briar". Upon remaing out the little billiard I found it is extremely pitted so I use it as a on the go/at work pipe, not something remotely worth $20 so I am hoping to salvage the cavalier.I think what you paid for the pipe will have some part of the decision of sending it to someone to have it fixed up, might cost you more than you paid for the pipe in the first place. YMMV
Theloniousmonkfish and condorlover1 seem to have the right idea with their suggestions of using things that evenly apply pressure on all sides to prevent deforming the tenon. The freezer and alcohol aren't working, so I am trying ub40's suggestion and have it sitting in a jar with a 75% boveda packet. I need to procure a drill bit and saw as well as a stud puller. Once I have those in a few days I am going to to ice the tenon and try to pull it out with the block of wood trick but if I can't get a good enough grip on it with that I will try the stud puller.
If that winds up crushing the tenon then I will simply peel it out and explore my options for purchasing a makeshift replacement tenon that I can fit back into the stem. Pliers aren't working as it is extremely stuck in there something fierce and getting a good grip on it with needlenose requires so much pressure it's putting tool marks in the tenon and I am genuinely concerned I might snap the stummel. There was an ancient medico filter in there that was all gross and upon removing it, it almost completely disintegrated.
If neither works I may intentionally destroy the tenon just to get it out and not break the stummel or split the shank and find a replacement(if I can).
I am assuming I will be able to buy a small length of aluminum tubing or something similar and go slightly larger than I need and sand it down to size...not sure.
If all else fails it was a cheap pipe and I will just move on. More of an experiment at this point as I have wasted several hous screwing with it with nothing to show for it but a tenon-less stem and a small pile of aluminum shavings.
I sincerely appreciate all the advice, I will post back letting you all know how it goes either way.