Not to turn this from the topic, but I can understand why Episodes 1-3 are not popular. It was a story that we knew the outcome, therefore a lot of the story had been built up in the fan's mind. Lucas should have done 7-9 and left the prequels to the speculation of authors. With the tinkering that Lucas was doing to the originals and then delivering a prequel that was underwhelming with many of the actors, has turned many off. (You can add what you don't like, the acting was my big gripe) So A lot of hate has built up. I love cheesy sci-fi, so I love 1-3, they're not my favorites, but I'm a Star Wars fanatic,(at least I used to be) so anything that came out I was going to love. I used to get on this band wagon, if you didn't like 1-3 then you weren't a SW fan. That's silly of course, they are just movies. I still give folks a hard time, but I'm just having fun. The tripe Disney came out with is fine for entertainment, if you love it great, if not then I'm in the same boat.
Back on topic:
The new Ghostbusters was pretty original, I like the idea that the bad guy uses a device to reek havoc. It could have gone wrong so many times, but stayed entertaining.