OGS was hard for me to enjoy early on. The flavor is subtle and, as new smokers. many of us just "try harder" to get flavor which leads to making matters worse.
If you get nothing from it but hot air and discomfort after the first two bowls, put it in a jar and come back to it in 6 months.
I lucked out and grabbed a flavorful English right out of the gate (in my case, it was John Cotton's #1, but the Balkan Supreme will do, as will most other English blends). You may or may not like latakia, but you'll likely have no trouble tasting it.
I can't believe no one has said this yet, but, with a name like pirate444, you may as well get yourself a tin of Black Frigate. It has some latakia and a rum flavoring, both of which should come across easily for you.
Just remember these "cardinal rules" that you will hear over and over:
Dry it more than you think you should.
Pack it looser than you think you should.
Smoke it slower than you think you should.
You can adjust all of those things more to your liking as you develop your technique.
Welcome to the forum!