Start with 5 lbs. apple wood smoked bacon( or what ever your fav. Bacon happens to be.) render bacon crispy in oven on sheet pans at 375 deg. Remove bacon. Place on paper towels or paper bag. Set aside. Pass drippings through a chinoise, or strainer lined with cheesecloth. Allow clarified drippings to cool completely. Take 2 pieces of bacon and chop to your preferred size (I like mine mostly fine with a few larger pieces) put the larger pieces in your coffee cup of choice, reserve a generous pinch of bacon dust. Brew desired amount of espresso or other strong, dark roast coffee. Add maple syrup to the coffee cup with bacon in it, (I use 1 tbs.). Pour coffee into cup and stir in one tsp. congealed drippings. Froth milk w/additional tsp congealed drippings. Top coffee with foam, pouring the un-frothed milk into coffee to desired fullness. Top with bacon dust, and/or pulverized maple sugar. Enjoy.
I have also bacon infused several spirits to good effect.
Bacon infused Woodford Reserve Masters Collection Maple Wood Finish Bourbon Whiskey
Bacon infused Calvados
Bacon infused Apple jack,
Bacon infused vodka etc.