Pipe Smoking Fishermen: Photos Please!

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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023


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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
Here's my canoe, I got it for free and restored it the best I could and now its my favorite way to travel water, sometimes I paddle sometimes I stick a minn kota on it depends on how far I'm going and if I plan on trolling or casting.


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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
Nice, Chinook? The only salmon I have pictures of is this lake superior Coho I got last fall in a small creek, they should start running anytime now I'm going to start checking this weekend, I could find pinks, chinooks or Coho's, I have lots of pictures of some great lakes steelhead, I hammer them hard every spring, I even still have 2 in my freezer that I need to thaw and smoke up some time.


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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
I caught a fish once so large, no lens could capture it, so sadly I had to throw it back.

Nice job on the canoe restore. I'd love to get a canoe or small boat to putter around in.
The canoe is a game changer, its light enough to carry around as far as I need to and throw it in any body of water, no need to worry about getting a truck or trailer in or having a boat launch. To me the canoe is infinite freedom.

Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023


Might Stick Around
Dec 22, 2013
Central California
That's awesome, I want to fish the ocean someday. So far the biggest body of water I've ever even seen is lake superior. I've always wondered do fresh saltwater fish taste like freshwater fish that's been soaked in a brine? or is there no natural saltyness to the meat?
No natural saltiness. There is a heartiness to them though. Ocean is a rough environment. It's eat or get eaten. They aren't really fatty although yellowfin and bluefin can have a bit. Meat tends to be denser than the freshwater fish I've encountered.


Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country

I know some of you guys have to be pipe smoking fishermen, do you guys have any nice fish pictures to show off?​

The best ones are etched into my mind, for example, the tarpon off of Fisher Island in Florida. It danced on its tail before throwing the hook, and I can still see the thousands of sun-glistened droplets of water it shook from its head as it did so. For a brief moment I caught electricity incarnate, and when the line went slack I felt it to the very core of my being...


Oct 15, 2022
Orcas, WA
Nice, Chinook? The only salmon I have pictures of is this lake superior Coho I got last fall in a small creek, they should start running anytime now I'm going to start checking this weekend, I could find pinks, chinooks or Coho's, I have lots of pictures of some great lakes steelhead, I hammer them hard every spring, I even still have 2 in my freezer that I need to thaw and smoke up some time.
yes, nice keeper Chinook - very small area where you can keep the wilds and down about 200 feet.

Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
The best ones are etched into my mind, for example, the tarpon off of Fisher Island in Florida. It danced on its tail before throwing the hook, and I can still see the thousands of sun-glistened droplets of water it shook from its head as it did so. For a brief moment I caught electricity incarnate, and when the line went slack I felt it to the very core of my being...
That's the best kind, to be honest I try not to take too many pictures because I find pictures lessen good memories or they change them in a way that makes them seem less real.

The same day I caught the big brook trout in the picture with the Tomahawk(thats a 20 inch tomahawk btw for reference) about 20 minutes before I had a line go off and I looked down the hole it was only about a foot deep of water below the ice and it was an 8" hole and all I could see was spots, so my heart started racing, I was only using 6lb test line and I should have let the fish run for a while and tire out but I tried horsing it in, I had it right up the hole to the surface and I reached to grab it and as soon as I touched it it shook and snapped the line, it was -20C outside and still I reached my arm down the hole trying to grab it, and my arm seemed to just push it down further and it got away, it had a kipe on its jaw like a salmon, you know the gnarly hook jaw spawning salmon get, it was almost the size of my thumb, I never seen anything like it, it must have been 30 inches long probably weight 10+ lbs, truly a monster. I was shaking and even on the verge of crying I can close my eyes and still see it all play out crystal clear. Then I caught that other one and it's like 5lbs but that day after the one I lost it seemed insignificant. I don't know if you're a trout guy but most places in the world a 12 inch brook trout is a monster, 15 inch is wall worthy. I truly live in a magical place, every picture I posted is at least an 18" fish, that black mat is 21".
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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
yes, nice keeper Chinook - very small area where you can keep the wilds and down about 200 feet.
That's awesome, I was pretty sure its a chinook the mouth looks pretty black. Salmon of any kind are awesome on the end of a rod, but chinooks are called kings for a reason, amazing fighters and when you get a jumper the adrenaline rush is insane.
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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
Here's the laker in my avatar. It was 36", but I don't have a weight, the scale only went to 11 lbs. and it pegged it. The second is another laker, this time only 28".
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Nice, lakers are super fun too and amazing on the smoker, especially through the ice, were you using jigging rods or tip ups and hand bombing them in?

36 inch laker is probably between 20 and 30lbs depending on how fat it is. to me length is the better measurement anyways, they can gain or lose lbs depending on the season, the length is the length.


Mar 7, 2013
This isn't me in the pic, but a good friend of mine. (Also of two other forum members---kcghost and rustie pyles). Steve has been smoking a pipe for 50 years, blends tobacco so well that McClelland put two of his recipes into production, and he used to do a lot of work for the KC club.

Every year he goes muskie hunting in Wisconsin. I say "hunting" because dem fishies get absurdly large for shallow freshwater lakes, fight like they mean it, and have big toofies.

(Steve is on the right, ballcap-dude is the guide)

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Frog Snacks

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2023
This isn't me in the pic, but a good friend of mine. (Also of two other forum members---kcghost and rustie pyles). Steve has been smoking a pipe for 50 years, blends tobacco so well that McClelland put two of his recipes into production, and he used to do a lot of work for the KC club.

Every year he goes muskie hunting in Wisconsin. I say "hunting" because dem fishies get absurdly large for shallow freshwater lakes, fight like they mean it, and have big toofies.

(Steve is on the right, ballcap-dude is the guide)

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That's awesome, we don't necessarily get musky up here but I almost caught one in a river one time, it came up the river from lake superior I thought it was a pike at first, it followed my spoon right up to the bank like 10 casts in a row but wouldn't bite. I haven't seen another one since but there are places I can go that are within a 2 hour drive if I really want to get one. I figure that one probably followed the sturgeon up the river intending to eat their eggs because it was just after the sturgeon finished their run. They truly are monsters I think if I went after them I would want to do it with a fly rod and a giant streamer just to make the most out of it. I like all fishing but I especially like hard fishing.
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