I Just Lost My Virginity And F***ed It Up...

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Feb 27, 2019
figured it out in short order
Not me! I've smoked well over 2000 bowls in the last 7 months, and I still have at least 1 bowl a day that's a total disaster. At the very beginning, it was the rare good one that kept me coming back.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I remember when I lost my virginity. It wasn't a thing of beauty for sure. But it didn't keep from trying again and again and again. Got married, had children, busy with work and it just didn't matter as much anymore. Sigh.
On the other hand, pipe smoking has steadily improved over the years.



Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
With a lot of things, I believe it is sometimes better to get your first time out of the way, so you can start to do away with your pre-conceived notions, apprehensions, etc. Now you get to try again! I would echo some of the more experienced guys here. Don't worry too much about having perfect technique, and just try to smoke away and enjoy yourself.

Jul 25, 2019
Thanks for all your replies people.
Despite not inhaling and only having a very small portion of the bowl I ending up dizzy and throwing up last night! I know my body isn't used to all the chemicals but considering how little I had that is just silly. :rofl:
I was fully motivated to try and try again until I mastered it, but I don't want to feel like that agin. Just not worth it. So I've come to the conclusion that no form of smoking is for me.
Shame, as I loved the smell of pipe smoke as a kid, that's what made me consider starting in the first place. I'm too much of a lightweight for this game it seems!
Thanks again one and all for your insights, help and advice. it's a very friendly forum.
Happy piping!



Mar 11, 2018
There are lots of other things to be interested in that don't involve smoking a pipe and you may find other smells that bring back strong memories. Perhaps cooking, or woodworking, or something else.

At any rate, take care.

Wrong tobacco for the first time smoker. Not criticizing just speaking from personal experience. Purchase a mild English blend, let's say GL Pease Picadilly. Pack it light and smoke away.
Please stay away from aromatics till you build up your smoking rythm. Dont use the breathe method, leave it to the old codgers with years of experience. Find your own method instead.
Don't smoke too much or too fast or you will feel dizzy as you mentioned, it's just nicotine. You will get used to it after a few months.
Oh and that burnt tongue will heal itself in a few days.
Remember Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win
Pipe smoking requires patience and practice. It's not a one day thingiemajigger.

Chris :puffpipe:



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Were you able to win the race the first time you rode a bicycle?
Did you hit a homerun the first time you stepped into a batter box?
Don't expect to be a perfect pipe smoker the first time you try it.



Feb 27, 2019
Piperatthegate - Bummer! I hope you recovered quickly. There's a lot to be said for not getting accustomed to nicotine. In fact, I'm kind of jealous. Maybe you can just sniff tins if you like the smell? Tobacco potpourri? I'm dead serious. Anyways, good luck either way!
JPM - Just the usual disasters: packed too tight/too loose, tobacco too wet/too dry, inept tamping, inattentive puffing, dropping the pipe in the toilet (true story), scorching the tobacco, gurgling, and what have you. 1 disaster bowl per day is a small percentage of the total smoked, so I can live with it. I was mostly trying to underscore the point that it takes some practice (a lot, in my case) to learn to smoke a pipe well enough to enjoy it most of the time.

Jun 9, 2018
Haha! I thought when I read the title to this thread maybe you'd popped it into the wrong hole or something!

I wouldn't worry about it and next time just dry the tobacco more, the first bowl I ever had I packed WAY too tight and had a very bad case of tongue bite but I used it as a learning experience and didn't make the same mistake again.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Buy a roll up bag of Carter Hall, load it in thirds, 1/3 you push gently, the other 1/3 a litter harder, the remaining third firm it up. Light it, tamp, relight, then go do something that takes your mind off smoking, read a book, trim the hedges, don’t concentrate on smoking. There you’ve smoked a bowl and you’re a veteran.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Haha! I thought when I read the title to this thread maybe you'd popped it into the wrong hole or something!
Veteran pipe smokers will tell you that if you put it in the wrong hole it will be a little tight.

Jul 25, 2019
I’d bet your lackluster experience was from too wet tobacco. Dry it out so it’s just a step or two above crumbly-dust dry and try again. It’s really easy to overthink and overcomplicate pipe smoking, but as long as your tobacco is dry, you can pretty much just stuff and puff (slowly)

it seemed to light ok but the fact it went out so quickly maybe indicates you're right.

Jul 25, 2019
It may just not be your thing, but I think after a while you'll realize with a jolt that you are enjoying yourself, and that's the beginning.

I think the post-smoke vomiting is enough to put me off, let alone the poor flavour due to bad technique!

Jul 25, 2019
For me pipe smoking is something that releases stress. If it caused stress I wouldn't do it. My advice is to relax. Pipe smoking may be a bit of an acquired taste. It may be a taste that you decide isn't even worth acquiring. It doesn't really matter. In my opinion it's not about winning or losin or pride or disappointment in yourself. If you enjoy it, great. If not there isn't any point in it.
I think you've nailed it.

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