I Hope They Have Jars

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Nov 13, 2019
They just came back in stock here we were without for a couple of months.

Basically all we have is Walmart and they suck at restocking things.. every spring they run out of the propane tanks for your lantern... They re-order months later. I live on a huge lake, fishing us our towns main draw. I mentioned it to the manager and she acted like I was speaking chinese.. so, I blame Walmart for the jar shortage.
I do too because the whole time target had them.


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 4, 2021
Rhode Island
I've been reading about this biggest and most powerful retail giant, I think in the world. What they do impacts the employment stats, and they have over 2 million employees in the US.

From the employee's perspective they have two major flaws:
1. their medical insurance puts a yearly deductible and an 80/20 payout against a claimant. Like most insurance concerns, they are very good collecting premiums but not so good at paying claims justly. They probably make money off the premiums paid.
2. Only full-time employees are eligible for medical insurance, and mgt. is free to cut hours to make employees ineligible. Control over employment status to pay the least benefits by manipulating employee status from part/full-time is pervasive in the service industry.
2. The average pay is ~$15.00/hour, no matter longevity and expertise. This is a pay bills only salary, ignoring costs such as paying off a mortgage or funding college.

Store Manager: $175,000.00
Pharmacist: $137,000.00

These are the only people making money. So you see most employees are only a cut above slave labor. A company with multi-billion dollar net earnings can do a lot better.

Walmart is an infestation, a pestilence.
I refuse to shop there. I would rather go to the smaller mom-and-pop store, and give it my money, even if it costs more.

I remember the commercials of 20+ years ago extolling the “fact” that it works with the local community, and supports local business. I thought it a line back then. Now that many of the small businesses are gone, there is no longer a need to “work with them”.


Aug 20, 2013
I refuse to shop there. I would rather go to the smaller mom-and-pop store, and give it my money, even if it costs more.

I remember the commercials of 20+ years ago extolling the “fact” that it works with the local community, and supports local business. I thought it a line back then. Now that many of the small businesses are gone, there is no longer a need to “work with them”.
In the wake of an aggressive giant that can buy 50-100 times more product at a time and therefore negotiate a lower price, and thereby sell for less and thus bring in the customers; or that can simply tell a manufacturer the price it is willing to pay, smaller businesses have been run out of town.

Some years ago two Walmart guys visited a detached auto parts store in a mall in the town in which I was living and as much told the owner that he had to sell. He replied with a shotgun and no doubt would have fired had they not made their exit.

Money is power, and no doubt Walmart's power has supported such tactics in more than a few locales.

It's about the money, and the power. Piece of sh*t power albeit with a very successful operation. The Walton family owns and controls the operation. Just think of living off the labor of 2 millions employees. In its own way it is comparable to the pre-revolutionary French nobility.

I say bring back the guillotine.


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 4, 2021
Rhode Island
In the wake of an aggressive giant that can buy 50-100 times more product at a time and therefore negotiate a lower price, and thereby sell for less and thus bring in the customers; or that can simply tell a manufacturer the price it is willing to pay, smaller businesses have been run out of town.

Some years ago two Walmart guys visited a detached auto parts store in a mall in the town in which I was living and as much told the owner that he had to sell. He replied with a shotgun and no doubt would have fired had they not made their exit.

Money is power, and no doubt Walmart's power has supported such tactics in more than a few locales.

It's about the money, and the power. Piece of sh*t power albeit with a very successful operation. The Walton family owns and controls the operation. Just think of living off the labor of 2 millions employees. In its own way it is comparable to the pre-revolutionary French nobility.

I say bring back the guillotine.
Well-said, sir.

If only the average person would see the harm that these places have done. Yes, they save a little money by shopping at these places, but at what ultimate cost?


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Well-said, sir.

If only the average person would see the harm that these places have done. Yes, they save a little money by shopping at these places, but at what ultimate cost?
I know this thread is now severely hijacked, but Walmart and so many of their ilk have made America's backyard their own company store. Subsidizing billionaires and their companies with our tax dollars - insurance, road use, water use, etc, and so much more, is not capitalism. For use pipe smokers, these huge companies move more products out of B&Ms and to online. They then corner the market for those items B&Ms successfully sell through Amazon or Walmart websites and eventually compete with them directly online. And then, when the large companies decide a certain product is too PC to sell, they drop it and no one is left able to distribute it. Being able to buy tobacco online is a welcome aspect of internet sales for tobacco purchasers - but it harms B&M distributers and when states decide internet sales of tobacco are not allowed, who is left to fill the gap?


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 28, 2020
I can't stand Wal-Mart personally and usually go out of my way NOT to shop there. But I did take a recent trip there for some Mason Jars. the store was a disaster and shelves looked like Y2K had hit, most of the pallets were opened with jars missing. Ended up throwing the few one that were intact, then had trouble paying due to their machines only accepting credit card (no cash) and was not about to wait in a huge line full of people with overflowed carts, especially for a few mason jars so walked out of there and found some at Ace Hardware and was in and out no problem.

The thing about Wal-Mart is their employees don't give a damn and the company doesn't care if you never return because there will still be a long list of people that will go out of their way to go there to save 2 cents, Wal-Martians I call them! ;) If most people knew what they were up to nobody would shop there and they would go out of business, but we are all entitled to our opinion.

For mason jar availability Meijers has been pretty good. They have given me discounts on damaged cases and their restock practice is fairly good despite like others have mentioned, the stock of mason jars seem to have taken a hit at many local stores.


Mar 25, 2016
In my neck of the woods, grovery stores and supermarkets ran out of jars early last year, but hardware stores and Bed Bath and Beyond always seemed to have them in stock. Plenty of jars on the shelves just about anywhere, now.

I don’t “do” Walmart.
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Jul 1, 2013
Iowa, United States
I really despise the self check out. Which is pretty much what most around here are doing. Last time I forgot to ring up a couple 2 liters of Dr. pepper. I then then double checked on the screen after a bit and pulled them back out of my cart and rung them up. If i had walked out they could have had me arrested. Why do I shop there?


Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
There are lots of 8 oz regular mouths and 16 oz. wide mouths available, but no 8 oz wide mouths. Kerr seems to be the only brand that makes 8 oz wide mouths, and they remain nowhere to be found except on Amazon for extravagant prices.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
In the wake of an aggressive giant that can buy 50-100 times more product at a time and therefore negotiate a lower price, and thereby sell for less and thus bring in the customers; or that can simply tell a manufacturer the price it is willing to pay, smaller businesses have been run out of town.

Some years ago two Walmart guys visited a detached auto parts store in a mall in the town in which I was living and as much told the owner that he had to sell. He replied with a shotgun and no doubt would have fired had they not made their exit.

Money is power, and no doubt Walmart's power has supported such tactics in more than a few locales.

It's about the money, and the power. Piece of sh*t power albeit with a very successful operation. The Walton family owns and controls the operation. Just think of living off the labor of 2 millions employees. In its own way it is comparable to the pre-revolutionary French nobility.

I say bring back the guillotine.
I suppose that's one way to look at it. Using the same train of thought, I assume you don't buy anything from Amazon? Or Best Buy? Or the larger online tobacco retailers? I appreciate your sentiment but the reality is, these large conglomerates solve a need by consumers. Consumers have voted with their wallets and these guys won. It was inevitable. And don't be surprised if something comes along that makes WalMart extinct.


Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
So with the mylar bags, do you just put your tin in the bag and then seal it with a heat source? Or is there a way you have to remove the air first?
Just drop the tin in the bag and seal it. I'm not sure vacuuming it first would even be a good idea.

I do use oxygen absorbers, they look like the little dessicant packs you get when you buy new shoes, but it's only to help save space and they do help for that.
Mar 13, 2020
Just drop the tin in the bag and seal it. I'm not sure vacuuming it first would even be a good idea.

I do use oxygen absorbers, they look like the little dessicant packs you get when you buy new shoes, but it's only to help save space and they do help for that.
So what can you use to seal them? Thinking of pulling the trigger with some bags for my SG and GH&Co. tins.


Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
So what can you use to seal them? Thinking of pulling the trigger with some bags for my SG and GH&Co. tins.
I use bags that can be sealed in my food saver vacuum sealer on the seal only (they can be vacuumed if you want) setting:


I can measure their size in the morning but with the ones I get I can get 4 standard round tins in 1 bag if I want.