I used to get very angry at my local Walmart because of outages and because I was very good at getting angry. They had problems, and still do, keeping product on the shelves. Though they continue to have yearly multi-billion dollar revenue, their distribution sucks, and despite virtually limitless resources, they can't fix it. I finally realized this after screaming in the face of the management several times and decided that my solution to an outage was to say nothing and wait until the product reappeared.
The distribution team won't take anyone's phone call.
I can't but think that keeping product on shelves is not a priority, while this most rapacious and utterly greed-besotten organization preoccupied with sucking up every cent possible from every community across the nation is more than probably focused on opening more stores in new markets. There's a lot more money in that. You're pissed because we're out of mayo? You can f*ck off, because we"re Walmart.
Employee wages are very low. I had a friend who was a cashier, and just talking to him I could sense his capability. I asked him why he hadn't moved up, and his answer was that it wasn't worth an extra dollar an hour to become the front end CSM, where he'd have 10X the responsibility.
So they net billions and they won't make working for them worthwhile. I've also heard that they hand a new employee an EBT card.