I havent been smoking as much...

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May 8, 2011
SO I went home about 2 weeks ago, and smoking there just isnt worth it, but I have been back at my own place in PA, but I havent been smoking as much. I cant get over the taste I get when I wake up, makes me feel like crap. Not sure whats going on, I still enjoy the smoke but I feel so bad in the morning that it almost isnt worth it. I cant figure it out.



Apr 17, 2012
Hm.. I've found that my pipe smoking is much different than say cigarette smoking. I don't smoke because I feel that I need to, but rather because I see my pipes and say, "Hm, a nice smoke sounds pretty good about now." So I will go days or even a week or so in between smokes. So that's not out of the normal.
Now do you experience the weird taste after you've smoked? or is it unrelated to smoking? If it is unrelated then it may be a medical problem. Your mouth is a window into your stomach. If you have proper oral hygiene habits and you experience un-provoked odd tastes or smells you may be sick and should probably make an appointment with your doctor.
Now if you feel the taste is related to smoking, test it out, and don't smoke for a week and see if the taste persists. If not then it most likely is cause by the tobacco or the pipe or both.
Sorry if I wrote a novel on what could be solved with a pamphlet, but I wasn't quite sure what you meant. Good luck friend.



Jun 2, 2010
I too can go days between smokes and only really smoke when I feel like having a smoke. There is a certain aftertaste left in your mouth after smoking that I find rather enjoyable from most tobaccos. It's one of the things that attracts me to a tobacco and makes me want to smoke more. To me it is akin to what is referred to as the finish in wine, spirit and even beer drinking. That being said, I will admit that if I happen to smoke before bed and fall asleep without brushing my teeth the lingering aftertaste is terrible in the morning. I recommend you make sure to brush your teeth and maybe use a mouthwash like Biotene before you go to bed each night. Biotene is not an alcohol mint bomb like scope or Listerine but is a mouthwash meant to clean, refresh and sooth a dry mouth. Give it a try and I bet that taste will go away.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Smoke two large bowls of Haddo's Delight wash them down with a large mug of very strong Joe....

Then... don't bother calling me.... Oh never mind.

That should "wind your watch and kick you out the door".




Mar 22, 2011
I used to run into that a lot, too. I made two changes to my routine; I stopped using a zippo after a friend said the fuel aftertaste could be the culprit. I also switched from cheap bulks (cough 1Q cough) which my tobacconist (the guy who was selling it to me) said it had more chemical additives that might be giving me the "smoke hangover". I'm not sure which one did the trick, but I haven't had that problem in over 10 years.
As with all things, your mileage may vary.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
What kind of tobacco do you smoke?? If it has a high prop glycol content, I suspect this is the culprit.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2011
I went through the same thing for over a month so I gave all my pipes and tobacco away to a good friend...man, I regret that. lol Now I have to start from scratch but I guess that's alright. I've been smoking cigars but the pipe tobacco (IMO) tasted much better.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 15, 2011
I have a similar issue, especially with latakia blends, plus some pretty bad bite with VAs. Take a break, thats what I do anyhow, you will come back and enjoy it again. It is more of a lifestyle, rather than a habit. So, when it becomes habitual your body lets you know...IMO...



May 8, 2011
Sorry for not responding, I am having computer issues (my puppy ate a cord)
I smoke pretty much all VA's and they are usually reputable tins.
And the taste is definitely tobacco related....I honestly think I need to smoke more lol, just get over it



Apr 17, 2012
+1 ohin3...I also find it is important to clean teeth and rinse after a before bed smoke.



Jun 2, 2010
I do recall not liking the aftertaste shortly after starting on the pipe. After a while I started to notice, however, that the aftertaste made me want to smoke more. Started to enjoy the aftertaste. Some tobaccos leave a very nice aftertaste and some do leave a rather harsh ashy aftertaste.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2012
Still noob in pipe smoking but notice it is tobacco related and when i smoke more than 3 bowls of same tobacco in one day.

to overcome this issue i do:

1 - brush my tooth before bed and early morning (sometime in between)

2 - stay away from pipes for at least 3 days in row till my mouth recover and back fresh

and that helps to enjoy my smoke and aftertaste :puffy:



Jan 25, 2012
Agreed! Keeping on top of the oral hygiene and a break of a day or more between smokes is how I get the most enjoyment from my pipes and tobacco. I do notice that no matter what I do a latakia blend will haunt me the next day. Others I can hardly tell I smoked a few hours later.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
I have experienced something similar to this also. There are weeks during which I have little desire to smoke my pipe and I always get bummed because I want to, but I don't.

It usually has nothing to do with a taste in my mouth though. Mine must be pipe depression or something.

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