Can one smoke that much tobacco within remaining lifetime?
2-3g per bowl (Friar Tom and I tested this one), a bowl per hour or hour and a half, means that every four hours of smoking one goes through 8-12g of tobacco, and smokers probably have 1-3 four-hour periods of smoking a day. The hardcores who always have a pipe in their mouths except for mealtime probably average 10-12 hours of smoking a day, and go through 20-36g per day. Most of us probably are at more like 15g per day.
Assuming then that smokers go through 15-36g per day, which comes out to 420-1008g per month or 15-36oz per month. Ever wonder why those old tobacco tubs were 14oz? Probably because that worked for the hardcore smokers buying every two weeks, and the rest of us picking one up every month or so. This is based on figuring that life is not constant so there are times when even the most hardcore cannot smoke (wedding, funerals, surgery that requires an oxygen mask, etc).
That gives us a figure, by the way, of about 12-27 pounds of tobacco consumed a year. I imagine some on this forum go over 30 pounds because they smoke constantly, work from home or are retired, and are nighthawks, meaning that they do not sleep much and the rest of the time, they are smoking. These are the ones to watch.
The good news is that, when presenting estimates to your wife, you
must use this outside figure to account for the possibility that you might smoke
up to that amount, because tobacco is like gasoline, you want to always have enough so that you never run out. If you are aging tobacco for ten years, then, you need to set aside 300 pounds of it to smoke during that time. Get to it!
Sorry if the math sucks. Early morning, no coffee.