I truly hate musicals. I simply will not sit through one of any kind for any reason or for anyone, ever. No exceptions. I despise every single thing about them. They strike me as utterly absurd, dull in the extreme, contradictory and they make me cringe for every single second. Mind numbingly, stultifyingly, irrepressibly drab and awful pap the bloody lot of them. They are what I call entertainment atrocities :D
In 2008, I flew from the UK to Cuba. I had left my book in the terminal and the in-flight entertainment system had some issues and as a result, there were only a handful of tv shows and one film to watch. That film was Mamma Mia. After I had watched the tv shows, read the in-flight magazine and despite being so very bored I thought it more entertaining to stare out of the window for the remaining 6 hours of my flight like a simpleton rather than suffer the pain and misery of an ABBA musical. I stared out of the window thankful that my screen folded into the arm of my seat and the days of being forced to watch the in-flight movie were over. Thankful that everyone had earphones and I had a choice. Rather wonderfully the gentleman next to me who completely understood my plight took pity on me and lent me a book. Top chap indeed.
Every musical is a crime against humanity. I hated them even as a child. Fast forwarding through every contrived tune of Mary Poppins and all the strained songs in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Just thinking about the song "Cheer Up Charlie" makes me feel something akin to rage :D The names Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers send chills down my spine.
The next person who thinks it is "fun" to burst into song around me with the likes of Grease or some such drivel will require smelling salts. As long as this stuff pollutes the audio and visual environment then nobody will tell me my smoke is poisonous :D