The trip from home to my sisters and back was a bit over 900 miles.It's been a bunch of years since I've driven that much.To say the least it was very stressing.I had a good time there though.My sister has a screened in porch.I spent a good deal of time out there smoking my pipes and watching wild deer.I had never seen wild turkeys before.They're beautiful when they fly.The weather in Tennessee seems to be a lot more humid than here in Carolina.I got reaquainted with my Sea Rock.I love that pipe.I ran out of tobacco a day earlier than I had planned to so I bought a pouch of Captain Black.6 bucks for an ounce and a half.I like the tobacco ok but not that much.Big Brother was hiding in the bushes.I saw a good many cars pulled over.My sister drives me crazy.She eats all day and only weighs 115 pounds.Anyway I'm really glad to have that driving behind me.I'm glad to be back with you good folks.