Anytime I see anything from the IRS I expect I will have to give them money as I have been making quarterly tax payments since 1990 since I opened my first business. Then started getting 1099's for the private lending I was doing and I always was getting a K! from other investments.
It was a rare thing that my taxes were not done perfectly as I have had the same accountant for 24 years now and in 27 years I have never been audited.
So I open the letter and to my shock they said call this number and you will get a refund.
Naturally I figured it was a scam but I called anyway and it was true, I had a refund of 1034.00 coming my way and I was in shock. The only thing I can figure is that when I retired and took my Social Security I must have paid to much from my 1099 private lending gig.
So after all these years I have a check of totally found money and it is definitely going to buy pipes. If a certain aged blend of tobacco hits the market at the right price I would use a little of that money for it.
I have been scouring the net as this money is burning a hole in my pocket something fierce. I really want 3 great pipes for the grand but would settle for 2 great pipes. I will not spend 1000.00 for one pipe as I know quite well how those smoke and you cannot smoke grain.
Does anyone have any suggestions for American artisans that you own and are really happy with.
If anyone cares, I avoided audits buy putting red herrings into my return. For example, I was entitled to a home office deduction for 15 or so years that was worth some money. I never took it. I also did another couple of things so that if an IRS agent looked at my return, he or she would have considered me and my accountant to be morons. Of course they never told what deductions I could have taken, heaven forbid they do the right things. I basically had them looking at one hand while the other was in a completely different ball game. They must have laughed their asses off when they saw my return. I believe I had the last laugh times ten on them. One thing we made sure we never did was crossing the line where you could get fines and penalties which I was prepared to pay, but I never did anything that could land me in jail. There is no amount of money worth going to jail for.
It was a rare thing that my taxes were not done perfectly as I have had the same accountant for 24 years now and in 27 years I have never been audited.
So I open the letter and to my shock they said call this number and you will get a refund.
Naturally I figured it was a scam but I called anyway and it was true, I had a refund of 1034.00 coming my way and I was in shock. The only thing I can figure is that when I retired and took my Social Security I must have paid to much from my 1099 private lending gig.
So after all these years I have a check of totally found money and it is definitely going to buy pipes. If a certain aged blend of tobacco hits the market at the right price I would use a little of that money for it.
I have been scouring the net as this money is burning a hole in my pocket something fierce. I really want 3 great pipes for the grand but would settle for 2 great pipes. I will not spend 1000.00 for one pipe as I know quite well how those smoke and you cannot smoke grain.
Does anyone have any suggestions for American artisans that you own and are really happy with.
If anyone cares, I avoided audits buy putting red herrings into my return. For example, I was entitled to a home office deduction for 15 or so years that was worth some money. I never took it. I also did another couple of things so that if an IRS agent looked at my return, he or she would have considered me and my accountant to be morons. Of course they never told what deductions I could have taken, heaven forbid they do the right things. I basically had them looking at one hand while the other was in a completely different ball game. They must have laughed their asses off when they saw my return. I believe I had the last laugh times ten on them. One thing we made sure we never did was crossing the line where you could get fines and penalties which I was prepared to pay, but I never did anything that could land me in jail. There is no amount of money worth going to jail for.