My wife isn't the biggest fan of my smoking, she has been coming around. Lately she has been noticing how much more calm and reflective I have been in the past 9 months. She has heard me talk about how the prices will soon be rising for tobacco and has seen me take my extra income and make decent size purchases on tobacco. Well, for fathers day she surprised me with a 3 lb order from 4noggins. I keep a running cart on the sites I go to just to see how much money I have to save to get me an order, so she sneaked on to my computer and picked one of the sites and hit buy. I didn't even notice because sometimes my cart will time out and I have to "shop" all over again. She told me that she knows how much I enjoy it and sees me going to our Men's group more, since we all smoke pipes together, she thinks this is a good hobby for me. I am just feeling blessed by my woman!