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Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
Locopony - I understand your point about trivializing racism. I'm a mixed child in GA and I fully understand the benefits of having pink skin and straight hair. (Dad is half black, Mom is 1/4 Cherokee.) I dye my hair red and use special shampoo because its just easier to not fight white or black people about my identity. The joke is that i have Grandpa to thank for my butt, my sister got the curls, and my brother got the dick. Its too hard to explain to people though so i choose to be Cyndi without being a representative of a race. Christianity also preaches a lot that the church doesn't follow. I'm at the point of going to war with the Baptist church over what one of the group homes they fund did to my son while he was in care.
My point was that the war on racial inequality has taught us Americans something - we can say what's bothering us and we may get smacked down, but say it enough and to the right people, eventually something will change. Our country is relatively young for what we've gone through. In 250 years we have seen slavery, state enforced racism, organized crime, terrorism, women's suffrage, the right to use birth control, gay rights, industrial wealth and collapse, technological wealth and collapse, the creation of new forms of communication, the ability to make yourself something other than the station you were born to... Our society thrives on doing the abnormal because we have such a history - from every race and walk of life - of creativity and invention.
I often wonder what England thought would happen when they "transported" rebels from conquered countries to the colonies. Did the government really expect them to say "yes, your majesty" from across an ocean after forcefully ejecting them from their homes? As a result, our history is built upon defiance. When there is a struggle, the human mind reaches for a solution. Every now and again we achieve brilliance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Its ok I'm not trying to argue with you. You understand my point of trivializing what slavery and Jim crow really did to a whole segment of our society (Human beings), and that true Christianity has no place for such evil. Thats all that matters.

I'm not so sure we have learned the lessons of the past so well. The powers that be still try to systematically supress, undermine, and generally demonize certain groups of people. If any lesson is learned the opressed have learned to fight.....................maybe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
By the way I think the evils against women were evil as well. Leaving widows to poor houses because they were not allowed to own property and other such nonsence. Also not Christian in fact quite anti-christian as well.



Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
I spoke at great lengths about the cyclical nature of human history with Bootleg's grandfather before he passed away. He said that again and again he'd seen a period of time where people shut up and were over-governed, then rebelled against the current laws and created a new meaning of freedom. He said it seemed to turn in 20-40 year rotations. That effectively means that the world our children take over will not be the world as it is.
I believe the problems inside the Christian churches are the same as with any other organization - the lust for power. In a lower class, paycheck to paycheck, area there isn't much power to be had so people take it by force and then deprive the people who are being put into submission of knowledge. I can't tell you how many times I've been told inside a church to "submit to your spiritual authority" and they aren't talking about God, but instead another person. This person is always 1. male, 2. of a "good" family, 3. older, and 4. unwilling to discuss ANYTHING that threatens their hold on the congregation. And you know what? People do it regularly. They put themselves under the hold of another mortal and read only what they're told, think what they're allowed, and accept the grace of having a community of people who do the same thing. It's easy.
Then someone notices that the organization doesn't even match up with the songs we teach our children. Jesus loves me, this I know. (Unless your mother cuts her hair above her shoulders which makes her an obvious slut.) Because the Bible tells me so. (Where can I get a copy of this supposed book? Oh, I'm only allowed to read the 35 page "stories" with the pictures of all the white people in Egypt?) Then they grow up and realize that their Mom has been married to their Dad for over 30 years because she loves him and that has nothing to do with fashion. They realize that Jesus was probably brown with dark, curly hair.
These children with valid memories and experiences will eventually talk to each other and realize the beliefs they were taught are wrong. They'll come of age and vote and form political campaigns and network with people who have different experiences. They'll realize that what their parents didn't have they can provide for their own children. Then change occurs. So, whether it's gender or race, alcohol or tobacco, the pendulum will swing. (Dammit, now I'm mixing my spiral metaphor with my arc metaphor and I'm too tired to fix it...)



May 4, 2011
Clear.bfn your.pipe in your teeth and and embrace.it. you are the iconoclast have no fear. Give in. And the end the enemy has already won



Mar 9, 2010
Been a whole lot of years since I have even tried to fit in. I like me as I am and be damned if i will change to suit anyone else.



Apr 17, 2011
I used to work at a assisted living place and the residents would watch the old movies in black and white and there were a lot of pipe and cigarette smoking on screen...it made the men look respectful...those were good movies...now you rarely see a pipe in movies...it;s mostly cigaretts...I would agree with unclearthur...about going back to the horse and buggy days!



Can't Leave
Aug 18, 2010
People re-write history just to accomodate their own circumstances. Invading other peoples freedoms and rights is what these gumbos live for....who made them so perfect and what gives them the right to choose for me ?? :twisted: :crazy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Cyndi, saddly what you are saying is true, about the "churches" in general. Please understand that when I say Christianity I am talking about a minority of people who read the Bible and truly care about the whole literal and contextual content. Believe it or not there are a hand full of churches out that that do this, and always has been. Sence the time of Christ and there after. They are few and hard to find, but we're there
I beieve what you say about Your Grand father inlaw too. Its good when you can find a wise elder who has seen it all. They give good advise. I am one who has always sought out those wise old fellows for their advise. There aren' as many as one would hope.

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