I Despise Insurance Companies

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I qualify for Medicare in December. After researching every major company I found that Plan G supplemental insurance with United Health care through AARP is the best money can by. Now I just find out I need a plan D coverage for all my medications. After doing my due diligence United Health has the best plan D. My out of pocket is less with United Health than anyone else.

I stupidly though once I got Medicare my health insurance costs would go down. I will be lucky if they stay the same for the coverage I still have now with Florida Blue. Anyone who says they get free insurance when you turn 65 is totally dreaming. You get plan A and B with regular Medicare but that covers 80% only. The 20 percent you are on the hook for can bankrupt you in one week in the hospital. I learned a long time ago, you buy the best insurance plans out there and you stick it to them when you get sick. If you try and save money by going with cheaper policies it only sets you up to get nailed by these pricks with their huge deductibles and insane out of pocket costs for the year. My out of pocket for the year with United Health is 234.00. I saw numbers of 4000-5000 out of pocket for the year numbers with some companies. If you don't know how to shop for insurance, you had better learn.

I have had to deal with personal, homeowners, commercial real estate insurance companies for years. I learned a valuable lesson before my dad died(he was a genius corporate attorney) he told me to always find out who the underwriter for your insurance is and what is their rating with AM Best who rates all the insurance companies. He told me never to do business with a company that does not have at least an A rating with AM Best. That advice has saved me well over 6 figures over the years as I never did business with companies who didn't have an A rating.

"Just when I thought I was all done, they pull me back in." Anyone know what movie that quote was from?


Mar 7, 2013
There were three? It kind of felt more like 2 and 1/1,000,000

Yeah, #3 was lame.

(board: jguss knows of whence he speaks. He lives in Joisey and knows people who knows people. If you catch my drift. Insulting him---even tangentially through a bad movie---is NOT recommended.)

Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 4.13.56 PM.jpg
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Can't Leave
Jan 24, 2013
Yeach, well
Yeah, #3 was lame.

(board: jguss knows of whence he speaks. He lives in Joisey and knows people who knows people. If you catch my drift. Insulting him---even tangentially through a bad movie---is NOT recommended.)

Yeah, #3 was lame.

(board: jguss knows of whence he speaks. He lives in Joisey and knows people who knows people. If you catch my drift. Insulting him---even tangentially through a bad movie---is NOT recommended.)

View attachment 167935
Was that the horse you rode in on? How are you getting home?
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Might Stick Around
Sep 26, 2018
South Louisiana, U.S.A.
I qualify for Medicare in December. After researching every major company I found that Plan G supplemental insurance with United Health care through AARP is the best money can by. Now I just find out I need a plan D coverage for all my medications. After doing my due diligence United Health has the best plan D. My out of pocket is less with United Health than anyone else.

I stupidly though once I got Medicare my health insurance costs would go down. I will be lucky if they stay the same for the coverage I still have now with Florida Blue. Anyone who says they get free insurance when you turn 65 is totally dreaming. You get plan A and B with regular Medicare but that covers 80% only. The 20 percent you are on the hook for can bankrupt you in one week in the hospital. I learned a long time ago, you buy the best insurance plans out there and you stick it to them when you get sick. If you try and save money by going with cheaper policies it only sets you up to get nailed by these pricks with their huge deductibles and insane out of pocket costs for the year. My out of pocket for the year with United Health is 234.00. I saw numbers of 4000-5000 out of pocket for the year numbers with some companies. If you don't know how to shop for insurance, you had better learn.

I have had to deal with personal, homeowners, commercial real estate insurance companies for years. I learned a valuable lesson before my dad died(he was a genius corporate attorney) he told me to always find out who the underwriter for your insurance is and what is their rating with AM Best who rates all the insurance companies. He told me never to do business with a company that does not have at least an A rating with AM Best. That advice has saved me well over 6 figures over the years as I never did business with companies who didn't have an A rating.

"Just when I thought I was all done, they pull me back in." Anyone know what movie that quote was from?
From someone who's been on Medicare and a supplement for 10 years now, be aware that your monthly premiums will also gradually go up as you age, especially when you reach a 5 year interval of aging. As you evaluate which supplement plan you will go with be very cautious of the Med. Pt. C (Advantage Plans). They should actually be called Disadvantage Plans in my opinion. A lot of providers won't accept Advantage Plans, they have lots of co-pays, necessities for pre-approvals-many of which frequently get denied, etc. Plans vary between the states and sometimes within regions of states. I actually have spent less since on Medicare, with a Pt. B supplement, and a Pt. D. for medications than my employer's group plan before. I have no co-pays for any doctors even specialists, need no referral approvals, no co-pays for labs, x-rays/imaging, emergency rooms, surgeries, hospital stays, physical therapy, etc. I've gone 10 years with 2 surgeries with hospital stays, one emergency room visit, use of specialists, imaging, colonoscopies, EGD scopes, physical therapy, annual lab work and never had a copay. My Pt. D for medications does have co-pays, but I'm still spending less on medication premiums and co-pays than I did under my employer's group plan for medications.

Be aware also, that if you end up unhappy with the coverage provider you choose there will be an annual period each year between Oct. 15th and Dec. 7th where you can reevaluate your coverage/provider options and make changes for the next year should you choose to.

Best of luck to you!


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
Yeah, #3 was lame.

(board: jguss knows of whence he speaks. He lives in Joisey and knows people who knows people. If you catch my drift. Insulting him---even tangentially through a bad movie---is NOT recommended.)

View attachment 167935
Fun trivia, that was an actual horse head in the movie and they didn’t tell him, so when they brought up the lights for the scene and he freaked out and screamed it was totally him really freaking out and screaming.

Fun trivia #2 the cat in the scene Brando was holding during his famous speech wasn’t written into the scene or movie at all, it was a random cat that showed up and Brando picked it up and was just holding and petting it while doing his lines and it turns out to be one of the best scenes.


Can't Leave
Feb 26, 2018
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Many years ago I took out life insurance with a "dread disease" clause from 2 separate Canadian companies. AS luck would have it, I landed up having a carcinoid tumour resected from my colon some years later. My broker suggested I submit a dread disease claim - which I did.

The one company paid up - no fuss, the other did not. I protested to be told: "our pathologist in London, England says this is not cancer"
"Did he look at the specimen?"
"No - he says carcinoid isn't cancer"
"Ever heard of a guy called Steve Jobs? - I think he may disagree with your pathologist"

Long and the short of it is, they don't care about you, or your family - their only concern is the bottom line.

Funny thing though, when I tried to increase my life insurance a year later, they wouldn't do it - because of my previous history. They get it both ways.......
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
This all is a two way street. I have many, many years experience dealing with insurance companies. They are right up there with politicians and financial institutions as the absolute biggest scumbags on the planet. None of them have any empathy or compassion for their clients, you are simply a revenue source for them with a risk analysis attached to you and your file. Their claim decisions have little to do with right or wrong, fairness or helping their client. They're based upon what's the last amount they can pay before accumulating enough complaints to have government interdiction and/or class action law suits filed. You would be exceptionally naive to believe they're like a good neighbor or you're in good hands.

The flip side is all the people who give no thought to insurance fraud, sticking it to them and trying to make max profits from an insurance claim. And what the decent, moral people fail to understand is every dollar their family member, friend or neighbor is essentially stealing from the carrier is essentially paid for by them. No different than the hard working tax payers inheriting the burden for college loans. There is no free ride, someone always pays. You would struggle to believe how many people will totally compromise their integrity to pocket a few thousand dollars.

If you have an issue with a claim of any kind, document everything, keep records. Stay incredibly persistent. Work your way up the management leader. File complaints with their presidential hotline. File complaints with your State Department of Insurance and States Attorney General. Social media is extremely powerful, start feeling your story with all the appropriate hash tags so the scumbags know the bad word is spreading. Ask everyone to share your post. Before you know it, a million people are aware of your battle but more importantly, the IC is aware that a million people have seen their dirty laundry. That can kind of offset their billion dollar TV advertising campaigns and get their attention.

Of equal importance, if you have a claim, your objective is to have your carrier pay 100% of what they owe per the policy they signed with you. Not a penny more, not a penny less.

I'm appalled by the number of people who have no idea who theyre insured with and have never read their policies to understand what coverage they have and more importantly, what coverage they don't have. And you need to do that every time your yearly policy update is released. The IC'S routinely alter the coverage they are providing in the yearly policy renewal. You have to file a claim and are suddenly surprised the coverage you signed up and paid for 3 years ago no longer exists. This is fact.

I would encourage everyone to seriously review and evaluate your coverage along with alternatives available. The vast majority of people don't need coverage when they buy their policy and don't forsee catastrophe ever hitting them. When that changes and they file a claim, they're often surprised to discover they're screwed. To those of you who think your insurance agent is your friend, please call me about a great deal on a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn. One other hint. In general, the more you see an Insurance Company advertise, the worse they often are. Second hint. If your claim is of any decent size and you're getting screwed, get a consult from an attorney. Probably should be one from a larger firm as it takes less of resources to fight the ICs.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Up until my dad died I never had an issue with an insurance company of any kind. Once they find out you can litigate for free they cave in like the 2 dollar crack whores that they are. When my dad died my best friend was my attorney and we scored big time on a deal. I made money, my lawyer made money and even my insurance company made money as we has 3 big insurers on the hook for a fuck up their client did, I had CNA which is AA with AM Best and we were up against Chubb AA, St Paul AA and Selective AA. Anything we wanted paid got paid without an issue.

Now my daughter is my new attorney and I will wield her like Excalibur no one will avoid her wrath. i even got someone she is going to stick it to as an old tenant screwed me for around 20 grand. They are going to be surprised when they get their asses handed to them. I plan on taking my kids to Amsterdam so they can smoke all they want and I can bang hookers 2 at a time. I am just kidding I want to take them to Egypt. I went there is 1980 or so and was blown away. It is something I have dreamed about and on the way back I want to take them to Paris.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Insurance companies are little different from Casinos. They're money making operations that take bets and skew the rules so that the House wins. Why is anyone surprised, much less outraged by this? Still, every now and then, the House pays off in a meaningful way.

There is little to no public service culture left in the US. Few truly believe in, or respect service. Maaybe that's why so many nurses and teachers are quitting, over a million of them. They're fed up with the public's abuse. Medicine is a complete profit machine, and I do wish its membership would have the basic decency to stop pretending it isn't.

Currently I still enjoy amazing coverage through my union health plan. The motion picture industry set up a non profit health network a century ago that's still going strong. The emphasis is on the money going to treatment not to country clubs. When I retire I'll get a Medicare Advantage Plan that's paid for by the MPTF. I guess we'll see how well that works. In the meantime, I'm still working and enjoying what I'm doing. Retirement is for pussies, for now.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Just saw this.

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Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
The best line I ever said for an insurance claim, my fishing camp had suffered a fire and I had tightened the old camp so good it smothered but did a lot of smoke damage. We had to go to court and during the trial they harped on Camp, Camp, when asked if I had anything to say I stood up and said I didn’t pay you with CAMP MONEY! The judge smiled, I got my money.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Insurance companies generally are purpose built to make profits. My health insurance provider is an up front, easy to get along with, quick paying firm. I have no need for life insurance. My providerr for home, auto and specialty insurance is also problem free. I only once in many years found it necessary to "go to war" with a provider.

Health insurance is part of my retirement, a privately funded retirement, and what my neighbors pay through taxes (MedCare). God bless you, tax-payers!:poop:

Happily, I've few to no insurance complaints.