The shank swelling and then returning could have caused the loose band.
Afraid not, Anthony. It wasn't the silver on the briar that was the problem, you see. Twas the silver ring on the stem and if my failing memory serves me correctly the reason it came off was because of the pathetic amount of glue used to attach it and the fact that that silly little dot of glue was only applied to one part of the stem and ring. It was not spread around to create an adhesive seal and then set in place or any other such way of ensuring its secure seating. A tiny blob of glue had been placed on the stem. A dot about 2-3 mm wide and only one dot and then the ring had been placed over the stem. You could clearly see the glue on the stem and in the ring. It was always going to fall off. And I don't believe the person who put it there thought it would ever stay there.
As for the gurgling, I appreciate you trying to help with suggestions but, well, as I said, I can see the cause but explaining it is very difficult. It's to do with the way the well, draught hole and tenon meet in the mortise. Again, it was always going to happen. I'm not really new at this anymore. Well, almost every day for about 8 years I think. Compared to many I suppose I am but gone are the days of me salivating down the stem or stuffing sopping wet tobaccos into my pipe and scolding my mouth to oblivion. It simply does not matter what I put in that pipe. How dry or how wet or how I smoke it. It can be the dryest, crispyest ribbon I could find in the desert and I can take one puff a minute and it still gurgles. And I didn't just make that up, I tried that when in Australia and it doesn't get much hotter and drier than that damned place I can assure you. I have never, not once had a gurgle free smoke out of it with any blend in any circumstance, ever. Running a cleaner down the stem fixes the gurgle 50% of the time but only for a minute and if I'm being honest, that's being generous. If it doesn't get rid of it the only solution is to remove the stem and I'm loathe to do it when smoking. Especially if it means I must do it every couple of minutes. Honestly, if I had not owned this wretched thing I would not have believed a pipe could gurgle this badly. I hardly, if ever, get a gurgle in any of my other pipes, except of course, from one other Pete but even that one can be tamed with selective tobacco chosing and a slightly kinked pipe cleaner.
The fact is, the pipe I own is not a good pipe. It's a dud. And because of its problems I wouldn't sell or give it away and I have accepted that. And I can't recommend it in good conscience because unless they have actually changed something I can see this being a common issue. Some worse than others, almost certainly, but common none the less.
If you do purchase one, or anyone purchases one for that matter, then I sincerely wish you well with it and I genuinely hope that you have none of the problems I have with mine. It is indeed a fine looking pipe. Unfortunately for me, that's all it is.