I have kids and while I don't smoke around them I don't hide it either both my 4 year old and my 2 year old love to smell the tobacco in the jars. BJ Long pipe cleaners are sold by the hundreds and make for great cheap rainy day crafts. I'm old enough to remember when the service stations had single wrapped cigarettes in barrels in front of the stores and they were $.10 each. My dad would grab his daily smokes and hand the lady a dollar.
We have moved from a nation (USA) of callused hands, sweat stained shirts, work boots and men who did what they said they would do into a bunch of powered bottom, coffee collar, clean pressed, hermetically sealed and sterile, gluten free, low fat no high fructuous corn syrup spineless wimps. When a man gets looked at funny cause he can hunt and farm for the food on his table is deserving of a reality TV, and good ole fashion family values are flabbergasting.
When did we look around and figure out that being able to build something with your on two hands or grow something to eat was beneath us as a nation as a whole. I can remember my dad telling me to get a good education cause other wise I might be a carpenter or a mechanic for a living. Guess what those are the guys that I have to hand my "hard earned money" over to when things around me go "clunk".
Leave my single barrel 20 year old whiskey and tobacco alone, go find something important to do with your time like how to make a car that'll last more that 8 years or why elder and child abuse is still a thing.. Ok rant over.