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Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
I mentioned ‘Fermented Apricot’ before, which is the typical Esoterica signature smell taste in several of their blends.

Nothing is going on in Hawaii, you misunderstood something I mentioned in the past is all.

I started smoking a pipe around 1980, upwards till 1990s, around 10 years. Then I got back into pipes 4 years ago.

I’m not Jim, but I’ve smoked a lot of pipes and blends in all these years, so I do consider myself quite able to make a judgement call, and I do consider myself something of an aficionado on the subject.

When you’ve said what you just did, you are painting me in some sort of light as incompetent, especially when you say ’Always’, which begs the question of what always seems to be going on with your thoughts towards me. That’s always making me look like I’ve always got some sort of problem.

Anyhow, I mean you no offense, but you’re making me feel akward and bad, so let’s please drop whatever your Always Thoughts are.

Thanks, Aloha, and have a great Holiday and Happy New Year! 🤙

P.S. I’m sure you didn’t mean anything. But online, when someone is saying so and so is ‘Always‘ about something, then before long, everyone is saying, so and so is ’Always’ too, and then someone gets branded badly online, as always having issues, etc...
You just have a tendency at times to make bold statements. Others also sometimes make bold statements which I also occasionally poke at because if you make bold statements, I think it's fair to poke at it a bit.

You called Dunbar "rancid/rotten, slightly moldy, and a hint of mothball." and "cross between a chewing tobacco with rotted apricot and a slight whiff of mothball." I remembered the conversation because I went and checked my own Dorchester to compare.

This isn't necessarily knocking you, it was just calling out similar issues you've experienced in the past and the bold claims you throw out around those experiences to the point where you seem to question the integrity of the blenders and distributors off of that experience. In those cases, I do think it reasonable to prod that a bit.


Nov 14, 2020
You just have a tendency at times to make bold statements. Others also sometimes make bold statements which I also occasionally poke at because if you make bold statements, I think it's fair to poke at it a bit.

You called Dunbar "rancid/rotten, slightly moldy, and a hint of mothball." and "cross between a chewing tobacco with rotted apricot and a slight whiff of mothball." I remembered the conversation because I went and checked my own Dorchester to compare.

This isn't necessarily knocking you, it was just calling out similar issues you've experienced in the past and the bold claims you throw out around those experiences to the point where you seem to question the integrity of the blenders and distributors off of that experience. In those cases, I do think it reasonable to prod that a bit.

I’m not trying to make a statement of any kind. I guess that is how some might interpret it, but it’s not my intentions, I’m only trying to share an observation is all.

I’d love to actually see that Dunbar comment of mine, because I don’t recall describing Dunbar this way. The only thing I remember is mentioning fermented apricot, I might of also said rotted apricot too.

Poking is fine…

But regardless of what others might say, we always have to remember blends can vary, so what someone gets might not be the same. So over the years this is something I have really come to understand, so when I make posts, I try to convey them in a way to make comparisons.

I didn’t get very in depth with comparing it against a lot of other blends to show references to when I made some comments here.

So in the future I will try even harder to make what simply looks more like an unbiased review how Jim does.


Nov 14, 2020
This isn't necessarily knocking you, it was just calling out similar issues you've experienced in the past and the bold claims you throw out around those experiences to the point where you seem to question the integrity of the blenders and distributors off of that experience. In those cases, I do think it reasonable to prod that a bit.

The other thing I ask, is to also be careful with your choice of wording you use in the future. I have felt like several times you attack me and make it personal and other members here on this forum don’t do this.

So in the future, next time, before jumping to conclusions, please ask me about my intentions, but I will do my dammest to make sure my words are easy to understand.

Because what you are saying here about me is wrong! I don’t question anyone’s integrity and if any of my posts in the past have come across that way, that is not my intentions ever.

I am also not trying to make it look like I have a tendency for bold statements.

Let me make myself clear, I believe you truly misunderstand me. I am here, always good hearted kind, gentle spirited, happy go lucky.

I am always here in a good spirit chatting, but as we all understand there are a lot of others with very bad attitudes online, harsh towards others, always going off on people etc.. I am not one of these people.

So please just look at me next time, when you see my posts, as just a happy go lucky, sharing like Jim. Because, does anyone else ever consider Jim in this way.

All I say, is, I believe a lot of it has to do with the wording, phrasing I type, that I guess opens up the conversation to a lot of different interpretations.

I always try to post better and choose my wording carefully.


Nov 14, 2020
I’ll try and make my posts look better in the future, and please ask if in doubt to clarify, no assumptions please.

And I truly believe moving forward, no one should be assuming my posts or character here.

Be well Aloha! 🤙 ❤️
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
I’d love to actually see that Dunbar comment of mine, because I don’t recall describing Dunbar this way. The only thing I remember is mentioning fermented apricot, I might of also said rotted apricot too.


Nov 14, 2020
That was 3 years ago, I was barely 1 year back into pipes, and the first time I started trying Esoterica.

It wasn’t a review, or statement, it was simply a reply about what I experienced is all.

That tin at the time was pretty rancid smelling, yes to the point of rotten. Yes it had all these smells, but as time went by it aired out and was ok.

It was merely an observation I made then. Afterwards the next tin of Dunbar I bought, was a much lighter fermented apricot is all.

Why would you compare what someone says about something 3 years ago, as if it has any merit on their present day experience?

Just to give a slight run down…

Since that time, I have smoked an additional 20-30 pipes, and around 200 more blends.

And since that time, I have been online daily reading, studying and learning about pipes, at many places all across the web, and have been here pretty much daily in 4 years, to have accumulated around 2000 hours on the world of pipes.

I don’t honestly understand how you would look back on a post 3 years ago, when you didn’t know me or my experiences back then as I’ve explained them, to make a comparison for now.


Nov 14, 2020
@fireground_piper you’ve totally misunderstood me and taken everything out of context.

All my posts, trying to remember and they should be, are merely observations about what I experienced, and I stress the word I.

Go back re read it over with this understanding, consider it now as only what someone is sharing about their own personal experience and maybe you’ll see things differently.

And at no point do I ever state, or claim, this is how DC is for everyone, but if others do experience this, then Kopp needs to step it up.

Just because someone experiences a bad batch, doesn’t mean they are incompetent or full of hot air, blends can vary is all.

So I edited it all out so you hopefully see it differently now. :)


Director’s Cut that I purchased, is lighter than any blend I’ve smoked.

I took small sips,

I had a bowl of Germain’s Royal Jersey Perique Mixture yesterday,

I don’t know if I just received a bad batch,

I might not be Jim, but I’ve smoke enough tobacco to make a valid judgement,

To date, this is one of the worst blends I’ve smoked.

And if it ends up being, more people actually get an extremely light, almost tasteless blend like me,

I am seriously shocked at how poor this blend is I received. :(

So do you see and understand now? I made an observation about what I received and experienced and your picking on me. So are you done picking on me, are we allowed to share our own observations on blends? Oh, I just didn’t say any of this in a mean spirit either towards you.

I am just sharing with you in happy spirits. I just hope you now see and understand by what I’ve explained.

Aloha! 🤙