It’s chunky and definitely used to be flaked before it was broken and tinned. The tin smell is of delicious Virginia tobacco and what I think is Perique. The flavor is sometimes sweet and sometimes just a touch fruity, maybe 25% similar to what I remember Marlin Flake tastes like. There is also a wonderful peppery flavor from what I assume is the Perique. As the bowl progresses, the flavors mix into a darker, more molasses-like flavor while the peppery Perique persists. I grab a wad simply jam it into my bowl of choice and the mechanical behavior is flawless this way. I smoked it last night in my Dagner Poker Cob. It takes to the flame easily and stays lit even with a medium/slow cadence. I love this shit and I highly recommend it to anyone that likes strong, flavorful VA/Pers.