@Paul, as I have been told many times by those involved in the sale/distribution of new Castellos, "Coppo thinks the pipe will smoke just fine, " or words to that effect. I used to collect extra long shank Lovats and Canadians and many had draft holes drilled wide right or left. In those days,when Castellos were poorly distributed in the US, these pipes were scarce as hens teeth and you took what you could find, gratefully. Each and every one was a wonderful smoker, though it still bothers me that this is a recurring issue, just from the standpoint of aesthetics and the ever recurring thought " For the money, they ought to be able to drill a straight line!" I do ask, and occasionally I will pass on one that is not where it should be. The dealers know and will tell you if you ask, but it is something they have come to terms with. If they were getting back a significant number of pipes due to burnouts, things would be different.
I would emphasize that this is an occasional issue. I am glad you are enjoying your pipe.