Howdy from College Station, Texas, the heart of Aggieland! Just joined today. Haven't been smoking pipes for very long, maybe a year and a half in total and then only occasionally. Own just a handful, all bent. My favorite is one I carved myself (from a Man Crates kit my boys got me). Lost a handful more in a house fire a couple years ago. I like everything I've tried so far except one: Green River Vanilla. It was probably too wet. I am still a newbie and it never occurred to me to let it dry out. I haven't tried Mixture No. 79 so I can't comment on that. I also have not ventured into any of the scented Lakelands yet, save for some Samuel Gawith Chocolate Flake a few years ago. Lost all of my tasting notes in the same house fire but I'm pretty sure I didn't care for it.