Four of my pipes are sentimental. They're also all good smokers. One is a Savinelli I got from Shamrock's in Johnson City. My late wife bought it for me for Valentine's Day one year. Another is a Grabow that she adored because it's painted bright orange. Aptly, it's an author. The other two my fiancee bought for me, a Rossi and an Italian basket pipe. All fine smokers.
The other pipes are a mix of American, French, and Italian factory pipes. One Peterson. One London made second, I think.
At least half of them are estates.
My newest-to-me favorite is a Grabow bulldog with a vulcanite stem.
If it ain't lucite, Cumberland, or vulcanite, I don't like it. I have a newer Grabow and a cob that rarely get smoked because of that.
There's an old Danish factory pipe in there, too, and one made by Paul's Pipe Shop. I forgot about those.