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May 17, 2024
Far West Txas
Hello my name is Matt and I leave in far West Texas only 26 miles from Mexican border. I am not a pipe smoker. Having asthma most my life the few times I tried to smoke pipe it just wasn't worth not breathing. I always loved the smell of a pipe. I have collected pipes for about 30 years now. My love for pipes comes from my childhood. My dad (who died when I was 10), grandfather, Uncles (12 of them) most all were pipe smokers. my Uncle Harold would blow smoke rings. But the most influence came from Mr Rilling who was an old man that I used to hang out with. He would tell me stories of his time as a merchant marine. His travels to the south pacific and all the while smoking his pipe filled with Black Jack tobacco. Growing up in Missouri a lot of the pipe smokers I knew smoked out of Corn Cob Pipes. My current collection of pipes is around 20 or so. I also have maybe 8 or 9 pipe lighter, several reamers and pipe paraphernalia. I joined the forum to find out more about the pipes I have and how to restore them.
Thanks in advance for the articles and information.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Hello from London UK.

I have a neighbor who was pipe and cigar mad, but stopped completely some years ago owing to asthma. That's tough. I usually get asthma at this time of year, which must be plane tree pollen or something, but luckily we've had so much regular rainfall this spring, I haven't suffered at all.
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