How You Clean Your Pipe After Smoking

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 16, 2012
I fill it with Diet Coke and then drop in a chunk of a Mentos candy. You can really see it working!
I haven't hear that one before, I'll have to give that a try next time I give a deep clean.

But on a more serious note. I run cleaners through after every smoke till they come up white. And once a week I clean with some alcohol, qtips, bristle, fluffy and regular pipe cleaners and scrub till my pipes are spotless. I don't care if it's overkill, I don't like dirty pipes!



Mar 30, 2012
Just now thought of this but I probably don't have to deep clean to much because I only smoke about 10 bowls a week.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I agree with philip that alcohol will pick something up. I thought I was about bitten through two of my older MM stems without a puncture, just chomped them flat (serial clencher) so I decided to replace them. So, I took the stem off and decided to sterilize them before I put them in a bag to save in case it happens again (I'd rather have a restricted air flow than no stem if it ever came to that in the future). Dipped my cleaner, ran it through and came out with a deep, dark brown pipe cleaner. Did that until it was clear and then some more until they were dry and then I had air flow.
So now everything gets an alcohol swab once a month and everyone is happy.



Jan 25, 2012
I use the same simple routine as the OP and Lawrence. I'll screw down a papertowel into the moisture trap if I'm smoking a system. I don't smoke often enough to warrant a deep clean but I have a bottle of 151 to loosen the tar in the airway once in a while. No need to go crazy with it I think.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
what is this cleaning you speak of? after shaking out the dottle i put it back in the rack for the next time...

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