I take a flake and put it between my palms and rub it out using a circular motion so it resembles cigarette tobacco. I then roll some between my fingers and stuff it in the bowl, leaving an air pocket at the bottom.
Another method is to fold it and stuff it into the bowl,again leaving an air pocket, then add some rubbed out tobacco to the top to facillitate lighting.
With both methods, the air pocket enhances the flavor.
Be aware that most flakes are high nicotine tobaccos and can make you woozy and a little nauseated if you aren't used to them.
Most flakes are too moist when you first open a tin and should be allowed to dry somewhat before you try them. Don't artifically dry them, ie: microwave or oven dry them. That kills the flavor.
They are best smoked in tall, narrow bowls but work well in regular bowls too.
Two of my favorites are Peterson's University Flake and Samuel Gawith's Full Virginia Flake.
Luck to ya.