At my age, I could care less. A pipe to me is an object of utility....something to enjoy. When I kick, my pipes will either go in the garbage, or with some luck, they'll go to another pipe smoker. I'll let him worry about refurbishing/restorations. I won't abuse a pipe, but a discolored rim is not on my list of things to fret about. It can be reversed, and made to look brand new. Built up cake and residue on the rim top, probably protects the rim, so I don't remove it.
I used to go to all the Knife and Gun Shows. Some of those beautiful/fancy custom knives, you know, the ones with the shiny or hand-rubbed blades, were absolutely beautiful and expensive, and virtually useless. They're collectors items, fodder for bragging, and ultimately, wall-hangers that lived in a felt-lined case. Never to be used as intended, and something for the owners to worry about, to keep in pristine condition. Not for me.
Pipes.....I use them, don't abuse them, if discolored rims ain't your thing, store them and don't smoke 'em. Discolored rims, happen. Deal with it.