How to live longer...

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Feb 21, 2013
I'm sure glad I got here. I wouldn't mind another decade or two, or even a little dividend beyond that, if I am alert and interested. It's true that helping others is an elixir, not just a sappy notion to win sympathy. Making things good for others resonates back and gives living rich dimensions. I've got the coffee and adult beverages covered.



Mar 11, 2018
What an interesting post. Excellent to read that fat and drunk people in their 70s and beyond live longer! Excellent. Perhaps when/if I reach 70 I'll start each day with an Irish coffee. I've already reached an agreement with my wife that once the kids are grown, and when/if I've reached old age, I can drink my fill, get fat, and grow my beard down to my belly button. I may not go quietly into that good night; with a lot of luck I'll be loudly belching and laughing my way to eternity.



Aug 20, 2013
In the end death takes everything from you, and before that old age can take almost as much, as health and loved one disappear. Even so we harbor what would seem to be an insane desire to go on. But if one finds inner joy, it can be constant, which transforms everything, including life's losses.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Live to 100? As someone who has known people to live until their mid-90s and still had sharp minds and good mobility, I have come to believe that quality of life is more important than age. If I could still be as mentally and physically agile as the ones I've known, then I would look forward to watching my grandkids grow.
But my attitude has always been I want to live as long as it's fun. Take all the pleasures I enjoy away from me and I would have nothing to look forward to during the day. If I can't read, smoke my pipe, have an occasional alcoholic beverage, find something to laugh about, then I'm not sure I would be "alive" anyway. Without those I would just be a biological mass existing without reason.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I just read that the third biggest killer in American hospitals is medical ineptitude on behalf of the staff 8O
That puts a lot of things in perspective.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
As long as I'm learning I'm good. Whether it's a new language, a riff on the guitar, seeing the world through my grandson's four year old eyes, solving the world's problems while enjoying a morning coffee with a couple of other old codgers, as long as I'm sentient ... I'm gonna wanna stick around. If I'm no longer sentient ... I won't care one way or the other. Certain physical debilities dictate limits I don't like but, I can handle that. I can compensate with what I think is still a hungry, agile mind.

Jul 28, 2016
Shall I say,Its all in hands of our Creator due to the dubious job of mine in funeral business I'm involved in deaths almost on a daily basis,and yes as for now at the age of full 52 and after seeing all these deaths and presumable reasons which have lead to them ,I'm starting to cherish life as it is, We don't live forever, so take care of Yourself and Yer beloved ones,



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
I had lunch with a good friend yesterday who said that he is cutting out every "vice" he has. He's cutting out hard liquor, cigars, fatty foods and whatever else he seems a vice. He's had friends and colleagues die around him and wants to live a very good retirement when he pulls the pin on work in three years.
So we discussed "lifestyle" vs "shit happens".
We have both seen our share of death and destruction.
We have both seen life snuffed out that had nothing to do with "lifestyle".
The discussion ended with him resolving to eat and live better and me ordering another glass of Jamesons.
Time will tell.

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