I too like Warren's approach in the aspect that he doesn't love 'things'. Beyond that, his approach ceases to work for a number of us. I won't criticise him, though, as I don't carry his burdens, so I can't really know how hard it is for him. Likewise, he or anyone else doesn't carry mine, so what the trout do they know that they feel they can pity me?
The thing is, issues like these are not only determined by individual struggles or lack thereof, but the approach we take depends a lot on our beliefs. If someone's a materialist, then it's understandable their fervent desire to stay in this world for as long as they can—rejuvenation treatments, wellness obsessions, trans-humanism, man-made immortality... bring them on! For once we die we just vanish...
There are those who believe in themselves, and that 'life is what YOU make it'. BS. As long as the world is shared with people, any of whom can be potential actors, even without knowing it, in your success or failure, life is not what you make it. Your best effort increases your chances of success, but never guarantees it. Even those who touted onscreen the mantra of 'no fate but what we make for ourselves' made a third movie to shew that the mantra is BS. Remember the definition of failure: when your best ain't good enough.
I'm neither a materialist nor a devotee of the American Dream.
Nor am I a pessimist, even if I seem to be at first glance. I know and declare that there's goodness in the world; alas, I also see that goodness is also being consistently eradicated through materialism, obsession with technology, government control, all kinds of politics, and much more, all in the name of a 'better world'. I've seen all "the taxing drudgeries that continually despoil all transcendence from existence until it can no longer be called life"; the subduing of people "by means of a pragmatic education and mechanical labour into the damnatory folly that lies under a glamorous pretence of wisdom and a factitious image of happiness"; and the "eldritch veil that obscures Truth, that replaces Beauty with a blasphemous idol, that makes of Love a trifle".
And, yea, I know where the dead go, and so I must correct my previous statement in the light of it, and I now say that I don't envy all the dead: only those precious few who die in God's pleasure, the ones who really get to RIP. I don't envy those who end up in the centre of the Earth for an eternity of suffering.
But alas, issues of life and death are inseparable from the realm of beliefs, i.e. religion; try as we might to veer the talk of them as far away from theology, we'll inevitably end up there. Which will inevitably get threads closed. (Which probably wouldn't be too bad a thing, as it would prevent further patronising.)