How Often to Smoke

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Dec 30, 2012
I load a pipe on my coffee break in the morning, then smoke that for 10-15 minutes, then again at lunch time. At the end of the day if there's anything left I'll smoke it on the way home. I would say I average a bowl a day and maybe three a day on the weekend depending on weather (lately with this cold snap I'm lucky if I get one bowl in). In the summer I smoke more as it's more convenient. I will agree with whoever said it also depends on what you smoke. If I know I'm going to be smoking more I'll typically smoke mostly OTC's like Carter Hall as the nicotine is negligible in those blends. Then maybe at the end of the day I'll treat myself to something premium like SG Best Brown Flake or Capstan.



Dec 12, 2012
I tend to smoke in the 3-5 bowls a day range. When it's possible, though, I absolutely do smoke more. I don't typically smoke on the weekends, though.
I've known folks, though, who smoked 12-15 bowls a day. And I have read that Einstein virtually always had his pipe with him -- pretty much from the moment he got out of bed till the moment he went to sleep at night. I'm sure he's not alone in that regard.
For me, there's no similarity with cigarettes whatsoever. Cigarette consumption -- or inhaling in general -- creates a physical dependency that is never the case with cigars or pipes that are not inhaled. While some truly enjoying smoking cigarettes, I think everyone who is smoking a pipe is doing it simply because they enjoy it -- the act of smoking, the aroma, the flavors, the companionship of pipe in hand. No one is smoking a pipe because they physically need it. (Keep in mind, I'm talking about the vast majority of pipe smokers who do not inhale.)
Welcome to the hobby!



Can't Leave
Jun 26, 2013
Welcome to the forum Jeff.

I will usually have 1 bowl on my work days and I will try to have 2-4 on my weekends. Like many others have mentioned there is no comparison to cigarettes. In my opinion, your feeling of needing to smoke another bowl is not the need for more nicotine, like cigarettes. Rather you are wanting the enjoyment of the taste and the relaxation associated with pipe smoking. Sometimes I go several days without smoking a pipe just because I do not have the time.



Might Stick Around
Nov 25, 2013
Being a newbie myself, I am trying to get off cigarettes and just enjoy my pipe. I would say that 4 bowls a day would be optimal for me to smoke if I was trying to replace my cigarettes. Thats about all I could fit in with smoking on my breaks and I have yet to find a high nicotine content tobacco that suits my needs just yet.
However, it would seem that 1-2 bowls a day would be my average if I wasn't addicted.
Blueyedattorney1, good to see another attorney on the forums. WVU College of Law class of 2003 here.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 11, 2013
Alexandria, VA
I probably get in about 5-7 bowls a week; roughly one a day. I wish I could smoke more, but with small children in the house I'm forced outside even in the cold. We're saving for a house and my wife promised that I will be able to have a finished attic or basement for my pipe smoking. Ah, something to live for....



Dec 3, 2013
I'm new at this also, blue eyes, and have often wondered the same thing. I'm recently divorced and trying to work it out with my ex. Needless to say this lends me extra time than the average married man. I try to smoke at least one bowl a day. Often two. On a day off maybe three. I'm still trying to find my ideal tobacco, which makes a big difference. Recently I've been smoking Metropolitain from Sutliff and have loved it! With this ultra smooth aromatic I can smoke three or four bowls in one sitting!
You and I will ease in to a groove as we progress, I figure. I see no problem, with an enjoyable tobacco, to smoke one or two bowls on a work day and four or five on a day off!
Pipe on!



Aug 17, 2013
Hey Blue,
I guess I'm Abby Normal in that I smoke only several times a week, and aros at that.
I do favor lats in the fall, my brother gave me some Northwoods that was really good, smooth and smoky. My go to is Wilkes #191, just a really nice vanilla taste now that I've jarred it for a half year. I have a '13 Peterson's Christmas that smokes wonderfully, lots of cinnamon and clove.
Anyway, I find I smoke more when I visit this site, it's incentive to try new tobaccos.
Good smokin to you.



Nov 23, 2012
This last weekend I was like a freight train!! Was having fun working in my shop just having a ball, kept finding myself wishing the bowl on my meer was bigger than it was and wishing I had a beer frig in the shop as well. But I'd just dump out the ash and repack and carry on and bring acouple more beers out as well. It's all in the mood your in is my thinking.



Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2013
hertford nc
Personally I think Jeff quit reading this thread about half way through it, but the thread must go on.
Welcome JEFF. :D .
Asking us a question like that Jeff is like asking what is our favorite classic car. If you REALLY want to get them going ask them for a recommendation on a pipe. :P
BTW I left Northern VA after, 911, anthrax in the mail, then malvoy snipers. Moved to the country where they only shoot at you if your in the woods not wearing orange. Unless there is a prison break, then they will shoot at you then too.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
Im usually in the 3 to 5 bowls per day range. As an ex-cig smoker, however, that can be flexible and depends on what I'm smoking. I enjoy a pipe, sure, but I (like most pipe smokers I've known) smoke for the nicotine. I don't inhale, opting instead to buy higher octane blends (Old Joe Krantz is my daily standby). It's a great way to get my nicotine fix and it's a lot more enjoyable (and hopefully healthier) than the cigarettes.

I've known guys who smoke only a couple of bowls per week, and some who smoked pretty much all day (10 or more bowls), so I doubt there's really a "normal" amount. I would also had that my physician told me that he wasn't worried about the health impact of pipe smoking so long as I smoked two bowls per day or less. More than that, he said, could be hazardous but still not statistically on par with cigarette smoking. I don't know where he got his information so I can't vouch for it, but I figured I'd toss it out there.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
Im usually in the 3 to 5 bowls per day range. As an ex-cig smoker, however, that can be flexible and depends on what I'm smoking. I enjoy a pipe, sure, but I (like most pipe smokers I've known) smoke for the nicotine. I don't inhale, opting instead to buy higher octane blends (Old Joe Krantz is my daily standby). It's a great way to get my nicotine fix and it's a lot more enjoyable (and hopefully healthier) than the cigarettes.

I've known guys who smoke only a couple of bowls per week, and some who smoked pretty much all day (10 or more bowls), so I doubt there's really a "normal" amount. I would also had that my physician told me that he wasn't worried about the health impact of pipe smoking so long as I smoked two bowls per day or less. More than that, he said, could be hazardous but still not statistically on par with cigarette smoking. I don't know where he got his information so I can't vouch for it, but I figured I'd toss it out there.



Can't Leave
Oct 24, 2013
I'll add the comment that the poster who said that if one doesn't inhale then one cannot be addicted is mistaken. We all know that nicotine is being administered in our pipes, albeit less efficiently than with cigs, and in proportion to the strength of our chosen blends. Smoke a group 6 bowl of 1792 or Irish Flake and tell me you're not getting any vitamin N.
I try, now that I'm off cigarettes, to follow the lead of the wise poster who said (and I paraphrase) that he doesn't smoke so much that he becomes cranky or anxious when he doesn't. Good yardstick for those of us who are concerned about the addiction angle. I gotta say, though-- if you're gonna be hooked on nicotine PIPES are the way to do it!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2012
Well I don't know about addiction, I smoke 4/5 bowels per day but I can take a two week break to no effect. Been smoking a pipes 20 years.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2013
Welcome to the forums.
As you can see, there are as many opinions as there are pipes.
I usually smoke only a few times a week as my wife hates it. However, since she is now away for a few weeks, I am now smoking 2 to 3 bowls a day. If I smoke more through the day, my tongue becomes sore and I really cannot taste the baccy any longer.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2013
Everything in moderation and you should never have any health problems... once and rarely twice a day works for me...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2013
Also dont puff the hell out of your pipe... take your time, it is less harsh on your mouth...



Jan 1, 2014
I'm at about a bowl every week or two since I started. Although we don't smoke in the house and lighting a bowl outside when it's -20 Celsius isn't too enjoyable. I'm sure once the warm weather is back and our summer getaway opens up, that will drastically increase!



Feb 21, 2013
Health professionals would say, don't smoke. Some pipe lovers would say dawn to dusk.

I think some primary care docs would give you a pass on a bowl or two a day, though

they wouldn't be enthusiastic about it, but that's just my guess. I take a few days off now

and then to make sure I can. Usually when I travel or have some pressing project or

am visiting people. The addiction to buying pipes and tobacco is a separate issue.

I still recognize all the pipes I own and can remember something about when I bought

them ... just.

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