How often does your favorite tobacco change for you?
Almost never.
I smoke a wide range of styles/genres, but for the last 17 years, Penzance has been my favorite blend. And it remains my favorite, even though the current challenge of acquiring it has made it near-impossible to buy fresh tins (and I very much prefer it when fresh). So I’ve kinda decided I probably won’t be smoking it any more.
Maybe we’re defining “favorite” differently. To me, a favorite stands head-and-shoulders above all of the other blends I enjoy, captures my imagination, satisfies me with every bowl, and continues to surprise with what it reveals over months and years of smoking.
For most of my pipesmoking life—and I’m 61, having begun with the pipe at 18—I can’t say I had a “favorite,” per se, just many blends I really enjoyed. Then I discovered the tragically short-lived Bohemian Scandal in 2004. Then Penzance in 2006, which hooked me like no other blend since. (The closest contenders might have been Yenidje Highlander and Frog Morton Cellar.) So maybe I don’t
need a “favorite” among the dozens of blends that I love.