sablebrush52, when dealing with higher end artisan pipes, you are correct, my formula for a factory pipe is not the one I use. I do have a different formula for those.
Say I am looking at a 2008 Rad Davis, I figure back then if it is a sandblast, the pipe retailed around 300.00. If the pipe is in pristine condition, I try to buy a pipe like that for around 200-225. I figure a new pipe like that will go for around 400.00, so if I can get a great smoker for half of that, I feel as if I got a good deal. My best deal on an artisan high grade was on a Jody Davis Cardinal grade that retailed for 1100.00, got it for 400.00 and thought I did very well. There are deals out there if you know what you are looking at and understand what the original retail was and what the market is as far as supply and demand. Some names bring more for their estate pipes than they do for new. I have seen plenty of JT Cooke pipes sell more as an estate than they did when new. I once saw an estate Cook that retailed for 900.00 go for 1400.00. I laughed my ass off at the moron who paid the 1400.00.
Now when it comes to ultra high grade like a Jess Chonowitsch or a Bo Nordh, I look, I drool and then say no freaking way would I ever pay that much for a pipe, can't get a better deal than that.