Most good tobacconist will tell you the nicotine content of a tobacco buy its strength. This way you can avoid too much of nicotine buzzes. Also there is a point I also would like to bring up.
Since the nicotine isn’t introduce in your blood stream by your lungs, since we don’t inhale the smoke. It will be introduced by your gums, the buzz can be delayed. So personal dental hygiene is to consider and you can easily make your own color check to see how you’re gums are doing. Since my wife is a dental hygienist, she gave me a few tips.
Healthy gums should be pink, the closer your gums get to red, the more you should worried. Inflamed gums will induce nicotine faster in your system and could cause gum disease. So! Brush and floss. Also for heavy smoker if your gums color are going toward a greyish white. This means you’re killing your gums and putting your teeth at risk. So smoke responsively.
So, good dental hygiene and normal smoking habit are also important for nicotine intake.
Let’s keep this a healthy pass-time.