How Many Specific Blends Do you Stay With When You Find The Perfect Combo?

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Oct 10, 2013
Bit of an austere approach, isn’t it? Like a communists guide to pipe smoking. Enjoy your pipe….but not too much! Lol
Au contraire, mon ami. It is the inverse of austere. It is finding enjoyment in what you are doing at any point in time.
Still, you seem happy enough in your avatar with whatever combo you’ve got going on so it must work for you.
Your’e right though ‘chasing’ the best or perfect combo is a waste of time. Most of us have come across the perfect combo though, surely?
Yes, I have pipes that undoubtedly perform better with certain blends, and vice versa. And I'll often poke around those findings and see if I can refine that a bit more with a similar pipe or blend. But that is more about curiosity and chasing variables than doing the drill-down on perfection.
A nirvana smoke, when tobacco & pipe come together & sing like Caruso. A chance meeting between a certain pipe & blend that just tastes so much better than with previous, different encounters? I know I have. A favourite pairing or best combo for me that always seems to deliver involves the last smoke of the evening. Revor Plug in a Falcon alongside a dram of Famous Grouse whisky. Perfect combo, every time.
Absolutely, I see where you are coming from. You have found a perfect combo for yourself and you revel in it. Kudos! My dissent is more about continuing that search for perfection ad infinitum. At some point, you just have to stop and smell the Latakia daisies.