Does anyone know approximately how many bowls you would get from an average size pipe, from a 50 gram tin of ribbon cut tobacco. Say something like Dunhill Elizabethan mixture or 1-Q?
My bowls usually take about 2 gram of tobacco. A 50g tin would be sufficient for 20 bowls. My pipes mostly have smaller chambers but a few of them accept 4g of tobacco which would mean I get only 12,5 bowls out of a 50g tobacco.
It depends on the size of the bowl in your pipe, but 2g sounds about right as an average. There was an online tool somewhere that you could calculate how many bowls you could smoke from your cellar, and how long it would take you to go through it all.
Over the years (been on the forums since 2010) it seems people tend to say that an average bowl can fit roughly 3-5 grams of tobacco. If you go by minimal of 3 grams then a 50 gram tin will work out to be roughly between 15-20 bowls. I typically have a bout 2 bowls a day and it usually takes me about a week of only having that blend to get through the tin. I try and get through a tin once I open it, because here in Las Vegas if you leave a tin open even in climate controlled house environment it'll dry out in about 3-4 weeks and these days I don't really want to have half of it and throw half in yet another jar to take up more room in my cellar away from blends I'm trying to age.
If you get roughly 20 bowls out of a $10 USD tin (for those lucky enough to buy at that price) you can see how this compares to cigars. This isn't the only, or even the primary reason to smoke a pipe, but it certainly recommends it. Where taxes drive the prices much higher, this only makes the pipe more impelling.
I get 12-15, and my pipes are very average in size. I go through a tin usually in a few days, but if the tin is really good, I can easily blow through a tin in a day.
In my head I count on 15 but I like to underestimate and in fact it is probably a couple more. If I wasn't so lazy when it comes to smoking a pipe I could have it dialed in! But, you know, leisurely activity and all.
I reckon about a buck a smoke though it is probably a bit less.
I counted the bowls I got from a tin of Royal Yacht. 23. My pipes are average in size, maybe slightly less. Billiards and bulldogs with chamber sizes averaging approximately 18 x 38 mm. Which is about a group 4 I think, maybe a large group 3.
No idea. I smoke a lot of different size bowls and a variety of tobacco cuts. When the tin is empty, I throw it away and open something else. 15 to 20 for flake and broken flake sounds about right.
It depends obviously from the size of the pipe but also on how it is packed. One of the most important thing I learnt is that it is much better packing moderately loosely rather than tightly as it delivers more full flavor, less relights and less chance of biting. Said that I would say a medium size pipe packed moderately loosely loads about 2 gm of ribbon cut (and last 30-45 min) and 2.5-3 gm of flake and last 45-60 min.
I recorded how many bowls to get through a tin of McClelland 40th and I got 42 bowls. I just needed to know how to ration my supply. I smoked it in 7 different pipes but most of the tin was smoked between my 3 favorite VA flake pipes which are @group 2-3 size bowls. My next "tin log" should include how many minutes of smoking.