On the marketing question, I have no way of knowing, but as
@woodsroad mentioned Fusilier's and Bengal were the same (I still remember tasting them back and forth, trying to figure out the difference, before I learned about this), and I fully expect that plenty of that is going on across the board.
One other variable that I only recently suspected is that in much rarer cases, one tobacco might be the aged version of another. Specifically this came to mind when I recently started smoking Edisto. I can't prove this and may well be wrong, but it tastes to me like CRF when fresh.
For all that I know, CRF may just be 5-6 YO Edisto.
Anyway, like many others, I find that latakia overwhelms most else and so winds up equalizing most blends that it's dominant in. There are exceptions. Quiet Nights is distinct, as is Penzance. Peretti Omega stands out to me as at least higher quality than most. And there are others. But for run of the mill latakia mixtures, the flavor is more or less latakia.
It didn't used to be that way. When I first started, all the English blends seemed distinct. But once my palate transitioned to VA nuance, it would ever-after be overwhelmed by latakia in a way that flattened the distinction of the other components (usually).