You must have one hell of a tongue bite! Also--lots of relights is an indication that the tobacco may be too moist, or improperly packed. Here are the three rules that I share with every new smoker:
1. The tobacco should be a lot drier than you think it should. A lot drier.
2. The pipe should be packed a lot looser than you think it should.
3. The pipe should be smoked a lot slower than you think it should.
If the bowl is too hot in your hand, that's generally an indication that you're smoking it too quickly. The bowl should be pleasantly warm. How warm is pleasantly warm? If you place it against a baby's skin, the baby will smile because it feels pleasantly warm. Any warmer than that, and it's too hot, and you're smoking the pipe too fast.
How long of bowl should last can be a function of the tobacco that you're using, but three bowls in an hour is way too fast. I sip my Pipe slowly, and depending upon the size of the pipe, and the tobacco I'm burning, an hour and up is not too much to expect. Remember rule three.
Follow the advice I've given above, and the tongue bite will disappear in a few days. You will also be enjoying your tobacco a lot more, and frequent relights will be a thing of the past.