How Long Does It Take You To Finish 1.8oz?

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Nov 18, 2013
My pipes usually take a little more than a tobacco in a cigarette, so I might be smoking less than one pack a day in terms of cigarettes, which is good for me, because I used to smoke 2 packs a day and I don't inhale right now.
I don't get it. Why not just smoke cigarettes without inhaling? The point of smoking a pipe is the tobacco actually has an interesting taste. Even OTC crap has to taste better than cigarette tobacco. Ok except for 79. That stuff is plain nasty, an el-cheapo Lakeland.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Dear Gordebak,
Let's say you smoke 2-4 grams of tobacco per bowl;

50/2=25 or 50/3=16.6 or 50/4=12.5

So something between 13-25 or on average 18 bowls will be the result.
I also recommend avoiding the Captain Black, especially since there are hundreds of blends available that are much better.
He lives in Turkey and in Turkey it is prohibited to import foreign tobacco. You are only allowed to buy whatever is available. I guess you may only order very small amount of tobacco once in a month from other countries.
I don't get it. Why not just smoke cigarettes without inhaling?
Physics and Chemistry I guess. Cigarette tobacco doesn't have as much nicotine as pipe tobacco or cigar have. If you are smoking a cigarette and you are inhaling the smoke, app. 1 mg of nicotine is going to be absorbed by your lungs (alveolar absorption) and transferred to the bloodstream. If you are smoking a cigar (there is not much research about pipe smoking, that's why I am giving an example of cigar smoking) and not inhaling (buccal mucosa absorption) the nicotine amount may be an equivalent of a single cigarette or the whole pack of cigarettes; this absorption is less rapid of course. What I am trying to say is the nicotine amount in a single cigarette is very low that you won't even feel it if you don't inhale. Besides cigarette tobacco (may reach up to 900C) burns hotter than pipe tobacco (may reach up to 600C).



Feb 21, 2013
I usually figure about twenty bowls to a standard tin, so then just stretch that over your bowls per day or week. I think I'd get about two weeks out of a tin.

You're overthinking and overanalyzing a lot. Smoke as much as you want. Everyone smokes a LOT of bowls in the beginning and in a span of a few months the smoking goes down.
I started with 4 bowls a day and in a year I am down to 1 bowl or day. Sometimes I dont smoke at all.
Just enjouy your smoke. Buy atleast 4-6 tins just to make sure they will last a month or so.


Sep 18, 2015
I average 1-2 bowls a day during the week and maybe 3 sometimes 4 a day on the weekends so that's about 50 grams a week roughly.



Sep 10, 2014
I am one of those people that smokes way to much. Wake up, stick pipe in pie hole, exchange for a new one every hour, rinse and repeat.
I probably go through 200 g a week.
And, yes, I know that is not good. It is supposed to be a hobby, not a habit.



Can't Leave
May 10, 2014
Assuming a bowl size of an MM Legend one ounce of tobacco is at least 10 bowls, so a tin would be around 20 bowls.
I smoke 2 bowls a day on average, so a tin would last me just short of two weeks.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 25, 2016
For the first two years of my pipe use, I was also using cigarettes, vape, and nasal snuff. The pipe was the lowest use of all, and so 50g would easily last me more than a month.
Now that I am just pipe and nasal snuff, I'll get through 50g in less than two weeks, which for me is too much. I think I'm enjoying it less with the increased frequency. I want to get back to 50g lasting me more than a month.
I already have enough nasal snuff for a decade, and that's my main tobacco use these days. I'll use 2g to 3g per day - maybe 5g on a heavy day. I'm happy with that being my main "fix" and want the pipe to be a treat rather than just something I stick in my face because I've just had my evening meal or whatever.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
As you can tell from my handle - I LOVE tobacco, Cigar and Pipe - I was at 7 bowls a day when working from my home office out on patio during the Spring, Summer and Fall months here in the Northeast, but I really needed to cut back some so now I manage to do only 2 bowls per day now; 1 in the AM with a good cup of coffee and then again in late afternoon - I find smoking the stronger blends helped me meet these goals



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 20, 2016
I have to smoke outside and with it being freezing cold lately - it currently takes me a few weeks, unfortunately.



Dec 5, 2016
I average 2 or 3 bowls a day during the work week and maybe 3 or 4 bowls a day on the weekends so that's roughly a bit more than 50g a week.



Dec 7, 2011
Ha! It depends on WHICH 1.8 ozs!! I have several tins that have been open for almost two years with several smokes yet to go.. I don't want these often but when the mood strikes, they're there! Then there are those tins that I can't seem to put down... so a week to ten days for those. But then I am a total amateur compared to many of us here!



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Jerwynn, I had the same thought as I was rereading this necrobump.
1.8oz of what? If we are talking about a SG blend, then after you've waited a week or two for the sopping wet tobacco to dry out, you really only have about four or five bowls left in the tin, because it was mostly water. If you mean a C&D or D&R blend, you get about twice as much tobacco, crammed tightly into the tin. The counter intuitive part is that I smoke the D&R and C&D blends faster, because they they don't piss me off as much as the sopping wet SG stuff. I tend to even forget that I have it open, because I had to wait so long to bring it down below asbestos level of smokeability.

However, even thought there is just a tad less tobacco in a tin of McClellands than the C&D, I tend to burn through it way faster, because every time I see the tin, my mouth waters and my body screams to be saturated in its smoke.

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