How Important Is The Button To You?

  • Thread starter mothernaturewilleatusallforbreakfast
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2014
Well, I wouldn't mind having a rack of Beckers, for sure, but I do like to have some variety. My Becker is probably my favorite overall pipe, but the Kyriazanos is very close behind it, and his pipes tend to run $200-300 less than the Beckers' (new, anyway), so there's that. Shaping is the other half of the equation, and different makers appeal to me in different ways. The button is where I notice the biggest jump in quality between factory and artisan pipes, though, and it's set the bar quite a bit higher for what I'm willing to spend money on, even if it costs quite a bit more. I'm firmly in the quality over quantity camp now.
What's your #1 button, if you don't mind my asking?



The newer Dunhill's. I picked up a 2013 (3110) Shell Liverpool and a 2015 (3111) Amber Root Lovat last month, and the buttons on these pipes really struck a chord with me. They are the most comfortable pipes I've smoked.

Mar 1, 2014
It seems like it's the most important part on the pipe to me, but maybe that's because it's the part most manufacturers pay the least attention to, so there's usually the most to fiddle with on the button.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I'm a clencher; however, I always put softy bits on my pipes so the button usually doesn't play a huge factor. As long as the button is big enough to hold the softy bit in place I'm usually pretty good.

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