How has pipe smoking changed for us in a decade?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2010
Anybody have a link or an email article they can shoot to me. When I hear that "young People" are smoking pipes - makes me feel like I have been living in a cave for the last decade. I have personally enjoyed the the quietude and the peace of smoking a pipe. Since I started smoking one in my mid thirties - I was becoming more introspective and relaxed. These are two qualities that I did not possses when I was a "young person." ;-) So "young people" smoking pipes does not compute Will Robinson
I used to enjoy a good cigar too. However, after California went nuts with the taxation I found myself finding more solace with my pipe - which I enjoy even more - it was very tiring hanging out with a bunch Mr. Big Business Men bragging about the stock market and what a killing they made, how much their bloody cigar costs and blah, blah, blah. I take great solace in smoking a bag of tobacco that lasts me a week - as oposed on spending the same amount on 1 cigar and having to listen to a bunch bs at the local CIGAR and tobacco shop.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I don't have anything to add.

Except maybe the following.

3 years ago cigarette taxes climbed so high here, I opted to go exclusively with my pipes. I found that I smoke less, and enjoy more.

The only reason I ever smoked cigarettes was for the convenience.

Sometimes a pipe can be a bloody-Pain. But, the rewards are greater, and I'm nowhere nearly as stressed as I used to be.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Raising 2 sons over the last 20 years, my wife's big fear was that they would smoke cigarettes, because her mother died at 52 of emphysema. I cannot imagine her fearing that they would take up pipe smoking. She has seen the positive affect piping has had on me. I am a much more relaxed person. When I get stressed, she always says, go smoke you're pipe and relax. The world has many dangers for young people today. In my opinion, as long as they are old enough, pipe smoking is not one of those dangers.

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