I can tell you this, I have smoked LBF much more and always fold and stuff (almost more like a crumble and stuff) that blend so when I first tried escudo I did the same. It works very well IMO. Also, I make sure to take a tiny bit and really rub it out and sprinkle it on top as a sort of kindling. But YMMV and experience will tell you which method you prefer. I have tried rubbing it out completely, as stated it did burn hot and fast. And to answer the question above I also tried a cube cut on it with my tobacco scissors and it was just the same as fully rubbed out. Fold and stuff is king with coin style blends IMHO. But once again, YMMV like many other things.
Bowl size for me doesn't really matter, it really depends on how long you want to smoke for really. Bit shape, I find with all flakes I designate my pipes that have a slender tall bowls to flakes and the wider in width bowls to other cuts. Not sure where others stand on that one but that's just me. Don't get annoyed but once again experience will tell you how you prefer it and YMMV.