Brown and black rope is serious business, but not an impossible business, not outside the nicotine and taste tolerance of any smoker who has a year or two under his belt. Some won't fit in this class, and yes they are very strong (the brown is the strongest tobacco I've smoked, a notch above GH Dark Flake, which is plenty strong), but if you desire to acclimate, you will.
Most cut it into coins and render it; I used to do this but have taken to pulling it apart with my fingers. Not only is the wrapper wound about it self but so too is the core, and it pulls apart readily enough.
The brown is very, very intense but with a plain "brown" taste resembling a Nicaraguan cigar. I find the Black much more flavorful, yet also plain, with a profoundly deep, dark taste. It's stern stuff. For a long time I found a very odd taste that I called "creosote," which was unpleasant to the extent that I only smoked it off and on. Only this last year have I stopped tasting it. I don't know where it went, into the bit-bucket of my palate, I guess.