Funny thing is what makes a great pipe is a lot of factors that are very much personal preferences, what makes a shitty piece of garbage pipe is pretty universal. Garbage is garbage.
The thing is a pipe is a tool, a pipe is a piece of art work, a pipe is a fashion accessory, a pipe is a meditative fetish (from the definition of something that helps one focus thoughts or energy [what the kids call vibe]), and probably a bunch of other things.
After you get past garbage the interplay of different disparate factors makes for the ultimate quality of a pipe.
What makes one great for me or you is going to be different. For example a lot of people here swear by open draw. I think an overly open draw isn't the be all and end all of a perfect pipe, in fact I kind of hate the way M.M. cobs smoke.
And yes brand can help determine if a pipe will probably be a good pipe. But it's not a certain thing with any pipe maker or brand.
Oh and here is a really important note on price. A lot of times what you pay for isn't going to make a better smoking pipe. You often pay for the time it takes to make a pipe like that. For example a nice factory pipe can smoke just as good as any artisan pipe. But if you look at how many pipes a factory puts out in a day (even if divided by the number of people who work on it) compared to how long it takes for one person to hand carve a pipe you can see why they have to cost more for the artisan pipe. And what's the advantage of hand carved? Each step can be informed by things like the natural grain of the briar instead of producing something just as beautiful but more random and less rare.